SCAC Celebrates NCAA Division III Week - Day Two

SCAC Celebrates NCAA Division III Week - Day Two

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. - The Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference is proud to participate in the recognition of the fourth annual NCAA Division III Week, a weeklong celebration that was established in 2010 to sharpen the division's identity and enable schools and conferences to more effectively explain why they prefer to compete in Division III, the NCAA's largest division. 

NCAA Division III Week also provides an opportunity for all individuals associated with a Division III institution or conference to recognize the powerful impact of student-athletes through athletics, academics and community service.

From Monday, April 6 through Friday, April 10, the SCAC office will be releasing daily videos that highlight and feature outstanding student-athletes from all eight of the league's member institutions.

"When brainstorming on how to best celebrate NCAA Division III Week, we thought it would be best to let our best ambassadors, the student-athletes of the conference, discuss the Division and why participating as a Division III student-athlete has been the right choice for them," said SCAC commissioner Dwayne Hanberry. "No one can tell the #whyd3 story better than our student-athletes."
More than 180,000 student-athletes at 450 institutions make up Division III, the largest NCAA division both in number of participants and number of schools. The Division III experience offers participation in a competitive athletic environment that pushes student-athletes to excel on the field and build upon their potential by tackling new challenges across campus.

On Day Two of the SCAC's Division III Week celebration, seniors Chelsey Stolle of Texas Lutheran University (women's basketball), Austin Carrola of Schreiner University (men's tennis) and Carson Severson of Southwestern University (men's basketball) are featured in a video montage.

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