2017 SCAC Baseball
Game Results
2017 SCAC Baseball
Game Results for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall SCAC Pitcher of record Attend Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
Feb 03, 2017 EAST TEXAS BAPTIST 7-11 L 7 12 0/11 11 1 9 0- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 M Hammack (L 0-1) 135 2:55
Feb 04, 2017 EAST TEXAS BAPTIST 4-8 L 4 7 5/ 8 7 0 7 0- 2- 0 0- 0- 0 C Allen (L 0-1) 175 2:40
Feb 04, 2017 EAST TEXAS BAPTIST W 8-7 8 10 0/ 7 11 2 6 1- 2- 0 0- 0- 0 D Gonzales (W 1-0) 175 2:20
Feb 10, 2017 HOWARD PAYNE W 6-3 6 11 3/ 3 6 2 9 2- 2- 0 0- 0- 0 R Baker (W 1-0) 150 2:45
Feb 11, 2017 HOWARD PAYNE 2-10 L 2 4 2/10 12 0 ( 8) 2- 3- 0 0- 0- 0 C Allen (L 0-2) 175 2:10
Feb 11, 2017 HOWARD PAYNE W 8-5 8 7 3/ 5 11 6 9 3- 3- 0 0- 0- 0 R Baker (W 2-0) 175 2:45
Feb 17, 2017 HARDIN-SIMMONS 1-5 L 1 6 5/ 5 11 0 9 3- 4- 0 0- 0- 0 M Hammack (L 0-2) 155 2:05
Feb 18, 2017 HARDIN-SIMMONS W 3-2 3 6 1/ 2 9 1 (10) 4- 4- 0 0- 0- 0 R Baker (W 3-0) 255 2:50
Feb 18, 2017 HARDIN-SIMMONS 1-9 L 1 3 3/ 9 9 1 7 4- 5- 0 0- 0- 0 N Gutierrez (L 0-1) 275 2:10
Feb 24, 2017 at Dallas Christian W 6-3 6 11 3/ 3 11 3 9 5- 5- 0 0- 0- 0 M Hammack (W 1-2) 100 2:15
Feb 25, 2017 at Dallas Christian W 11-2 11 15 1/ 2 6 2 7 6- 5- 0 0- 0- 0 C Allen (W) 115 2:10
Feb 25, 2017 at Dallas Christian W 13-10 13 13 4/10 10 3 7 7- 5- 0 0- 0- 0 D Gonzales (W 2-0) 105 3:00
Feb 28, 2017 at McMurry University 1-5 L 1 6 3/ 5 7 0 9 7- 6- 0 0- 0- 0 K Baird (L 0-1) 202 2:21
Mar 03, 2017 at Arlington Baptist 8-14 L 8 15 3/14 17 2 9 7- 7- 0 0- 0- 0 M Hammack (L 1-3) 110 3:00
Mar 04, 2017 at Central Christian W 12-5 12 16 1/ 5 9 2 9 8- 7- 0 0- 0- 0 C Allen (W 2-2) 160 3:25
Mar 04, 2017 at Arlington Baptist 2-7 L 2 4 0/ 7 13 0 9 8- 8- 0 0- 0- 0 C Martinez (L 0-1) 110 2:40
Mar 11, 2017 at Occidental 3-7 L 3 8 1/ 7 13 1 9 8- 9- 0 0- 0- 0 C Martinez (L 0-1) 201 3:04
Mar 12, 2017 at La Verne 1-6 L 1 5 3/ 6 12 3 9 8-10- 0 0- 0- 0 C Allen (L 2-3) 148 2:45
Mar 12, 2017 at La Verne 7-16 L 7 11 1/16 14 3 9 8-11- 0 0- 0- 0 K Kitchens (L 0-1) 148 3:30
Mar 13, 2017 at Redlands 8-23 L 8 13 5/23 21 2 9 8-12- 0 0- 0- 0 N Gutierrez (L 0-1) 115 3:30
*Mar 17, 2017 at #11 Centenary (LA) 6-10 L 6 7 1/10 14 2 9 8-13- 0 0- 1- 0 M Hammack (L 1-4) 157 1:44
*Mar 18, 2017 at #11 Centenary (LA) 4-14 L 4 3 2/14 16 2 8 8-14- 0 0- 2- 0 C Allen (L 2-4) 107 2:45
*Mar 18, 2017 at #11 Centenary (LA) 0-10 L 0 4 0/10 13 1 7 8-15- 0 0- 3- 0 C Martinez (L 0-3) 107 2:29
*Mar 24, 2017 SOUTHWESTERN (TX) 4-11 L 4 8 3/11 16 2 9 8-16- 0 0- 4- 0 M Hammack (L 1-5) 155 3:12
*Mar 25, 2017 SOUTHWESTERN (TX) W 13-2 13 13 2/ 2 7 1 7 9-16- 0 1- 4- 0 C Allen (W 3-4) 150 2:15
*Mar 25, 2017 SOUTHWESTERN (TX) W 8-7 8 11 0/ 7 9 3 9 10-16- 0 2- 4- 0 D Gonzales (W 3-0) 150 3:15
*Mar 31, 2017 TEXAS LUTHERAN 1-9 L 1 5 2/ 9 17 1 9 10-17- 0 2- 5- 0 K Baird (L 0-2) 150 2:45
*Apr 01, 2017 TEXAS LUTHERAN 8-9 L 8 10 2/ 9 14 0 9 10-18- 0 2- 6- 0 C Allen (L 3-5) 200 3:00
*Apr 01, 2017 TEXAS LUTHERAN 2-3 L 2 4 2/ 3 12 0 9 10-19- 0 2- 7- 0 M Hammack (L 1-6) 200 2:15
*Apr 07, 2017 at Trinity University 4-10 L 4 5 5/10 11 3 9 10-20- 0 2- 8- 0 K Kitchens (L 0-2) 184 2:59
*Apr 08, 2017 at Trinity University 3-10 L 3 3 2/10 10 4 9 10-21- 0 2- 9- 0 C Allen (L 3-6) 188 2:41
*Apr 08, 2017 at Trinity University W 4-3 4 6 2/ 3 9 1 9 11-21- 0 3- 9- 0 M Hammack (W 2-6) 188 2:40
*Apr 14, 2017 at Austin College 6-11 L 6 5 4/11 11 6 9 11-22- 0 3-10- 0 R Baker (L 3-1) 108 2:32
*Apr 15, 2017 at Austin College 1-9 L 1 3 4/ 9 17 0 9 11-23- 0 3-11- 0 C Allen (L 3-7) 127 2:27
*Apr 15, 2017 at Austin College 7-8 L 7 9 2/ 8 15 2 9 11-24- 0 3-12- 0 P Stanford (L 0-1) 137 2:55
Apr 18, 2017 HUSTON-TILLOTSON 4-5 L 4 12 1/ 5 8 0 7 11-25- 0 3-12- 0 D Gonzales (L 3-1) 125 2:10
Apr 18, 2017 HUSTON-TILLOTSON W 9-8 9 11 3/ 8 10 1 7 12-25- 0 3-12- 0 K Baird (W 1-2) 115 2:15
*Apr 22, 2017 DALLAS 0-9 L 0 3 2/ 9 9 2 9 12-26- 0 3-13- 0 R Baker (L 3-2) 375 2:30
*Apr 22, 2017 DALLAS W 8-7 8 11 3/ 7 9 3 9 13-26- 0 4-13- 0 K Kitchens (W 1-2) 250 2:30
*Apr 23, 2017 DALLAS 5-10 L 5 11 2/10 15 0 9 13-27- 0 4-14- 0 M Hammack (L 2-7) 255 3:30
() extra inning game
Overall Statistics
2017 SCAC Baseball
Overall Statistics for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 13-27 Home: 8-12 Away: 5-15 SCAC: 4-14
Sam Pistrui......... .338 40-40 136 29 46 7 5 0 22 63 .463 31 6 22 3 .474 2 2 8-12 108 10 5 .959
Reece Hohhertz...... .330 35-32 112 16 37 6 1 0 20 45 .402 16 4 18 2 .432 0 0 0-0 29 1 1 .968
Jonas Garcia........ .305 33-31 118 25 36 8 1 1 14 49 .415 15 4 24 1 .399 1 1 27-32 48 7 6 .902
Tomas Garcia........ .258 35-32 124 20 32 6 0 0 21 38 .306 10 4 19 7 .329 2 3 1-2 289 16 5 .984
Josh Gilliam........ .227 40-39 132 14 30 4 2 1 16 41 .311 13 5 23 3 .316 2 4 3-4 31 89 18 .870
Gio Datiz........... .400 6-1 5 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 .400 1 1 2 0 .571 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
C Collins........... .375 8-2 8 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 .375 2 2 3 0 .583 0 0 0-0 9 1 0 1.000
Hunter Bazan........ .310 19-7 29 0 9 3 1 0 6 14 .483 5 1 9 2 .429 0 1 0-1 34 0 1 .971
George Elliott...... .302 22-11 43 1 13 2 0 0 10 15 .349 4 0 12 0 .354 1 0 1-1 41 6 2 .959
Hudson Valenti...... .276 31-30 87 20 24 6 1 1 10 35 .402 13 9 38 0 .422 0 7 4-6 46 66 8 .933
Kyle Romaguera...... .263 24-12 38 7 10 0 0 0 5 10 .263 6 2 7 2 .383 1 1 2-2 14 52 7 .904
Ricky Canales....... .259 13-6 27 3 7 1 0 0 3 8 .296 5 0 5 1 .364 1 0 0-0 18 1 1 .950
Sammy Garcia........ .250 11-7 24 0 6 0 0 0 3 6 .250 4 0 5 0 .357 0 1 0-0 16 15 4 .886
Ben Benavides....... .241 24-20 79 17 19 1 0 0 8 20 .253 9 3 19 1 .337 1 1 3-4 25 1 1 .963
Ernest Ortiz........ .232 30-12 56 12 13 1 0 0 4 14 .250 1 1 11 0 .259 0 0 9-10 20 1 1 .955
Connor Ver Schuur... .227 27-14 44 10 10 2 0 0 2 12 .273 6 1 14 0 .333 0 4 0-1 33 1 0 1.000
Ryan Ragle.......... .179 33-28 78 9 14 2 0 0 12 16 .205 17 2 24 0 .333 2 8 2-3 149 20 4 .977
Osman Quintana...... .167 29-28 72 15 12 3 0 1 7 18 .250 13 4 22 1 .322 1 5 1-2 40 84 18 .873
Kyle Baird.......... .148 12-7 27 5 4 2 0 1 4 9 .333 2 0 12 0 .207 0 1 1-1 11 7 1 .947
Trevor Wren......... .000 5-0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 0 2 0 .400 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Nico Cruz........... .000 4-1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0 0 .250 0 1 0-0 1 0 0 1.000
Hunter Devine....... .000 4-0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 0 1 .500
Chris Resendez...... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 1 0 1.000
Tye Ochoa........... .000 3-0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 2-2 0 0 0 .000
Totals.............. .262 40-40 1248 209 327 54 11 5 168 418 .335 175 50 291 23 .371 14 40 64-83 975 436 91 .939
Opponents........... .335 40-40 1379 323 462 99 35 14 268 673 .488 119 53 186 25 .402 28 35 56-68 997 398 68 .954
LOB - Team (321), Opp (319). DPs turned - Team (31), Opp (29). CI - Team (3), R Ragle 2, G Elliott 1. IBB - Team (2), R
Hohhertz 1, B Benavides 1, Opp (1). Picked off - J Gilliam 6, J Garcia 5, S Pistrui 3, O Quintana 2, H Valenti 1, E Ortiz 1,
K Romaguera 1, C Collins 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Caleb Allen......... 5.60 3-7 12 12 1 0/0 0 72.1 92 59 45 27 45 22 6 4 294 .313 5 6 2 3 10
Montana Hammack..... 6.78 2-7 11 11 0 0/0 0 67.2 100 62 51 15 20 25 6 4 289 .346 8 7 0 3 8
J. Hakala........... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 .000 0 0 0 0 0
Robert Baker........ 3.82 3-2 12 2 0 0/0 0 30.2 32 19 13 5 10 7 1 0 118 .271 3 8 1 1 3
Derek Gonzales...... 5.28 3-1 16 0 0 0/0 0 29.0 41 21 17 5 17 15 2 1 120 .342 3 1 0 2 5
Payton Stanford..... 7.59 0-1 10 0 0 0/0 6 10.2 16 13 9 8 8 3 0 1 48 .333 3 0 0 1 0
Chris Martinez...... 8.39 0-3 8 4 0 0/0 0 24.2 35 25 23 9 15 5 3 1 102 .343 10 8 1 1 5
Nick Gutierrez...... 8.49 0-2 8 5 0 0/0 0 23.1 35 31 22 17 13 6 3 0 103 .340 0 9 0 4 1
Kolby Kitchens...... 8.84 1-2 7 2 0 0/0 0 19.1 33 25 19 3 12 3 5 0 91 .363 4 5 0 4 2
Kyle Baird.......... 9.13 1-2 9 3 0 0/0 0 22.2 34 27 23 10 25 5 4 2 97 .351 4 4 1 5 0
Tyler Heimann....... 10.45 0-0 10 1 0 0/0 0 10.1 18 14 12 7 13 3 0 1 49 .367 4 1 1 1 0
Chris Resendez...... 11.57 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 2.1 4 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 11 .364 0 0 0 1 0
N Flores............ 12.71 0-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 5.2 7 8 8 5 3 0 2 0 24 .292 4 1 0 0 1
Lance Martin........ 15.00 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 3.0 10 6 5 0 2 3 2 0 18 .556 1 0 0 1 0
Alec Swofford....... 19.29 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 2.1 1 5 5 4 2 0 0 0 8 .125 4 2 0 0 0
R. Marchlewi........ 54.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.1 4 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 5 .800 0 1 0 1 0
Totals.............. 7.12 13-27 40 40 1 0/0 6 325.0 462 323 257 119 186 99 35 14 1379 .335 53 53 6 28 35
Opponents........... 4.52 27-13 40 40 2 2/1 6 332.1 327 209 167 175 291 54 11 5 1248 .262 36 50 5 14 40
PB - Team (6), R Ragle 6, Opp (14). Pickoffs - Team (5), M Hammack 3, R Baker 1, C Allen 1, Opp (12). SBA/ATT - R Ragle
(41-49), M Hammack (17-20), G Elliott (12-14), N Gutierrez (10-10), C Martinez (8-9), C Allen (5-9), C Collins (3-4), R Baker
(4-4), K Baird (2-4), T Heimann (1-3), D Gonzales (3-3), K Kitchens (2-2), J. Hakala (1-1), N Flores (1-1), A Swofford (1-1),
R. Marchlewi (1-1).
2017 SCAC Baseball
Overall Statistics for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Connor Ver Schuur... 34 33 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Montana Hammack..... 22 5 17 0 1.000 0 17 3 .850 0 0
Derek Gonzales...... 10 0 10 0 1.000 0 3 0 1.000 0 0
C Collins........... 10 9 1 0 1.000 0 3 1 .750 0 0
Chris Martinez...... 5 0 5 0 1.000 0 8 1 .889 0 0
Kolby Kitchens...... 4 2 2 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 0 0
Nick Gutierrez...... 4 1 3 0 1.000 0 10 0 1.000 0 0
Tyler Heimann....... 2 2 0 0 1.000 0 1 2 .333 0 0
Alec Swofford....... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Nico Cruz........... 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Chris Resendez...... 1 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
N Flores............ 1 0 1 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Tomas Garcia........ 310 289 16 5 .984 25 0 0 --- 0 0
Ryan Ragle.......... 173 149 20 4 .977 1 41 8 .837 6 2
Hunter Bazan........ 35 34 0 1 .971 3 0 0 --- 0 0
Reece Hohhertz...... 31 29 1 1 .968 4 0 0 --- 0 0
Ben Benavides....... 27 25 1 1 .963 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Sam Pistrui......... 123 108 10 5 .959 4 0 0 --- 0 0
George Elliott...... 49 41 6 2 .959 0 12 2 .857 0 1
Ernest Ortiz........ 22 20 1 1 .955 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Ricky Canales....... 20 18 1 1 .950 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Kyle Baird.......... 19 11 7 1 .947 0 2 2 .500 0 0
Hudson Valenti...... 120 46 66 8 .933 17 0 0 --- 0 0
Kyle Romaguera...... 73 14 52 7 .904 8 0 0 --- 0 0
Jonas Garcia........ 61 48 7 6 .902 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Sammy Garcia........ 35 16 15 4 .886 5 0 0 --- 0 0
Osman Quintana...... 142 40 84 18 .873 14 0 0 --- 0 0
Josh Gilliam........ 138 31 89 18 .870 6 0 0 --- 0 0
Robert Baker........ 6 0 5 1 .833 0 4 0 1.000 0 0
Caleb Allen......... 19 2 12 5 .737 0 5 4 .556 0 0
Hunter Devine....... 2 1 0 1 .500 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J. Hakala........... 1 0 0 1 .000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
R. Marchlewi........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Tye Ochoa........... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Gio Datiz........... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Lance Martin........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Trevor Wren......... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Payton Stanford..... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Totals.............. 1502 975 436 91 .939 31 56 12 .824 6 3
Opponents........... 1463 997 398 68 .954 29 64 19 .771 14 0
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Category Leaders
2017 SCAC Baseball
Batting Leaders for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
1. Sam Pistrui......... .338
2. Reece Hohhertz...... .330
3. Jonas Garcia........ .305
4. Tomas Garcia........ .258
5. Josh Gilliam........ .227
Slugging pct
1. Sam Pistrui......... .463
2. Jonas Garcia........ .415
3. Reece Hohhertz...... .402
4. Josh Gilliam........ .311
5. Tomas Garcia........ .306
On base pct
1. Sam Pistrui......... .474
2. Reece Hohhertz...... .432
3. Jonas Garcia........ .399
4. Tomas Garcia........ .329
5. Josh Gilliam........ .316
Runs scored
1. Sam Pistrui......... 29
2. Jonas Garcia........ 25
3. Hudson Valenti...... 20
Tomas Garcia........ 20
5. Ben Benavides....... 17
6. Reece Hohhertz...... 16
7. Osman Quintana...... 15
8. Josh Gilliam........ 14
9. Ernest Ortiz........ 12
10.Connor Ver Schuur... 10
1. Sam Pistrui......... 46
2. Reece Hohhertz...... 37
3. Jonas Garcia........ 36
4. Tomas Garcia........ 32
5. Josh Gilliam........ 30
6. Hudson Valenti...... 24
7. Ben Benavides....... 19
8. Ryan Ragle.......... 14
9. Ernest Ortiz........ 13
George Elliott...... 13
Runs batted in
1. Sam Pistrui......... 22
2. Tomas Garcia........ 21
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 20
4. Josh Gilliam........ 16
5. Jonas Garcia........ 14
6. Ryan Ragle.......... 12
7. George Elliott...... 10
Hudson Valenti...... 10
9. Ben Benavides....... 8
10.Osman Quintana...... 7
1. Jonas Garcia........ 8
2. Sam Pistrui......... 7
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 6
Hudson Valenti...... 6
Tomas Garcia........ 6
6. Josh Gilliam........ 4
7. Hunter Bazan........ 3
Osman Quintana...... 3
9. 4 tied at........... 2
1. Sam Pistrui......... 5
2. Josh Gilliam........ 2
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 1
Hunter Bazan........ 1
Hudson Valenti...... 1
Jonas Garcia........ 1
Home runs
1. Jonas Garcia........ 1
Hudson Valenti...... 1
Osman Quintana...... 1
Josh Gilliam........ 1
Kyle Baird.......... 1
Total bases
1. Sam Pistrui......... 63
2. Jonas Garcia........ 49
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 45
4. Josh Gilliam........ 41
5. Tomas Garcia........ 38
6. Hudson Valenti...... 35
7. Ben Benavides....... 20
8. Osman Quintana...... 18
9. Ryan Ragle.......... 16
10.George Elliott...... 15
1. Sam Pistrui......... 31
2. Ryan Ragle.......... 17
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 16
4. Jonas Garcia........ 15
5. Josh Gilliam........ 13
Osman Quintana...... 13
Hudson Valenti...... 13
8. Tomas Garcia........ 10
9. Ben Benavides....... 9
10.2 tied at........... 6
Hit by pitch
1. Hudson Valenti...... 9
2. Sam Pistrui......... 6
3. Josh Gilliam........ 5
4. Osman Quintana...... 4
Jonas Garcia........ 4
Tomas Garcia........ 4
Reece Hohhertz...... 4
8. Ben Benavides....... 3
9. 3 tied at........... 2
Sac bunts
1. Ryan Ragle.......... 8
2. Hudson Valenti...... 7
3. Osman Quintana...... 5
4. Connor Ver Schuur... 4
Josh Gilliam........ 4
6. Tomas Garcia........ 3
7. Sam Pistrui......... 2
8. 7 tied at........... 1
Sac flies
1. Tomas Garcia........ 2
Josh Gilliam........ 2
Ryan Ragle.......... 2
Sam Pistrui......... 2
5. Ben Benavides....... 1
Jonas Garcia........ 1
Kyle Romaguera...... 1
Osman Quintana...... 1
Ricky Canales....... 1
George Elliott...... 1
Stolen bases
1. Jonas Garcia........ 27
2. Ernest Ortiz........ 9
3. Sam Pistrui......... 8
4. Hudson Valenti...... 4
5. Ben Benavides....... 3
Josh Gilliam........ 3
7. Kyle Romaguera...... 2
Tye Ochoa........... 2
Ryan Ragle.......... 2
10.4 tied at........... 1
Caught stealing
1. Jonas Garcia........ 5
2. Sam Pistrui......... 4
3. Hudson Valenti...... 2
4. 8 tied at........... 1
Steal attempts
1. Jonas Garcia........ 32
2. Sam Pistrui......... 12
3. Ernest Ortiz........ 10
4. Hudson Valenti...... 6
5. Josh Gilliam........ 4
Ben Benavides....... 4
7. Ryan Ragle.......... 3
8. 4 tied at........... 2
Stolen base pct
1. Jonas Garcia........ .844
2. Josh Gilliam........ .750
3. Sam Pistrui......... .667
4. Tomas Garcia........ .500
1. Hudson Valenti...... 38
2. Ryan Ragle.......... 24
Jonas Garcia........ 24
4. Josh Gilliam........ 23
5. Osman Quintana...... 22
Sam Pistrui......... 22
7. Ben Benavides....... 19
Tomas Garcia........ 19
9. Reece Hohhertz...... 18
10.Connor Ver Schuur... 14
Grounded into DP
1. Tomas Garcia........ 7
2. Josh Gilliam........ 3
Sam Pistrui......... 3
4. Kyle Romaguera...... 2
Hunter Bazan........ 2
Reece Hohhertz...... 2
7. Ricky Canales....... 1
Ben Benavides....... 1
Jonas Garcia........ 1
Osman Quintana...... 1
Total plate appearances
1. Sam Pistrui......... 177
2. Josh Gilliam........ 156
3. Tomas Garcia........ 143
4. Jonas Garcia........ 139
5. Reece Hohhertz...... 132
6. Hudson Valenti...... 116
7. Ryan Ragle.......... 107
8. Osman Quintana...... 95
9. Ben Benavides....... 93
10.Ernest Ortiz........ 58
At bats
1. Sam Pistrui......... 136
2. Josh Gilliam........ 132
3. Tomas Garcia........ 124
4. Jonas Garcia........ 118
5. Reece Hohhertz...... 112
6. Hudson Valenti...... 87
7. Ben Benavides....... 79
8. Ryan Ragle.......... 78
9. Osman Quintana...... 72
10.Ernest Ortiz........ 56
Games played
1. Josh Gilliam........ 40
Sam Pistrui......... 40
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 35
Tomas Garcia........ 35
5. Jonas Garcia........ 33
Ryan Ragle.......... 33
7. Hudson Valenti...... 31
8. Ernest Ortiz........ 30
9. Osman Quintana...... 29
10.Connor Ver Schuur... 27
Game starts
1. Sam Pistrui......... 40
2. Josh Gilliam........ 39
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 32
Tomas Garcia........ 32
5. Jonas Garcia........ 31
6. Hudson Valenti...... 30
7. Osman Quintana...... 28
Ryan Ragle.......... 28
9. Ben Benavides....... 20
10.Connor Ver Schuur... 14
Games as sub
1. Ernest Ortiz........ 18
2. Connor Ver Schuur... 13
3. Hunter Bazan........ 12
Kyle Romaguera...... 12
5. George Elliott...... 11
6. Ricky Canales....... 7
7. C Collins........... 6
8. 4 tied at........... 5
2017 SCAC Baseball
Batting Per-Game Leaders for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Hits per game
1. Sam Pistrui......... 1.15
2. Jonas Garcia........ 1.09
3. Reece Hohhertz...... 1.06
4. Tomas Garcia........ 0.91
5. Josh Gilliam........ 0.75
Runs scored per game
1. Jonas Garcia........ 0.76
2. Sam Pistrui......... 0.73
3. Tomas Garcia........ 0.57
4. Reece Hohhertz...... 0.46
5. Josh Gilliam........ 0.35
Doubles per game
1. Jonas Garcia........ 0.24
2. Sam Pistrui......... 0.18
3. Tomas Garcia........ 0.17
Reece Hohhertz...... 0.17
5. Josh Gilliam........ 0.10
Triples per game
1. Sam Pistrui......... 0.13
2. Josh Gilliam........ 0.05
3. Jonas Garcia........ 0.03
4. Reece Hohhertz...... 0.03
5. Tomas Garcia........ 0.00
Homers per game
1. Jonas Garcia........ 0.03
2. Josh Gilliam........ 0.03
3. Sam Pistrui......... 0.00
Tomas Garcia........ 0.00
Reece Hohhertz...... 0.00
RBIs per game
1. Tomas Garcia........ 0.60
2. Reece Hohhertz...... 0.57
3. Sam Pistrui......... 0.55
4. Jonas Garcia........ 0.42
5. Josh Gilliam........ 0.40
Stolen bases per game
1. Jonas Garcia........ 0.82
2. Sam Pistrui......... 0.20
3. Josh Gilliam........ 0.08
4. Tomas Garcia........ 0.03
5. Reece Hohhertz...... 0.00
Walks per game
1. Sam Pistrui......... 0.78
2. Reece Hohhertz...... 0.46
3. Jonas Garcia........ 0.45
4. Josh Gilliam........ 0.33
5. Tomas Garcia........ 0.29
Strikeouts per game
1. Reece Hohhertz...... 0.51
2. Tomas Garcia........ 0.54
3. Sam Pistrui......... 0.55
4. Josh Gilliam........ 0.58
5. Jonas Garcia........ 0.73
At bats per game
1. Jonas Garcia........ 3.58
2. Tomas Garcia........ 3.54
3. Sam Pistrui......... 3.40
4. Josh Gilliam........ 3.30
5. Reece Hohhertz...... 3.20
Plate appearances/game
1. Sam Pistrui......... 4.43
2. Jonas Garcia........ 4.21
3. Tomas Garcia........ 4.09
4. Josh Gilliam........ 3.90
5. Reece Hohhertz...... 3.77
2017 SCAC Baseball
Pitching Leaders for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
1. Caleb Allen......... 5.60
2. Montana Hammack..... 6.78
Opposing bat avg
1. Caleb Allen......... .313
2. Montana Hammack..... .346
Won-loss pct
1. Caleb Allen......... .300
2. Montana Hammack..... .222
1. Derek Gonzales...... 3
Robert Baker........ 3
Caleb Allen......... 3
4. Montana Hammack..... 2
5. Kyle Baird.......... 1
Kolby Kitchens...... 1
1. Caleb Allen......... 7
Montana Hammack..... 7
3. Chris Martinez...... 3
4. Robert Baker........ 2
Kyle Baird.......... 2
Kolby Kitchens...... 2
Nick Gutierrez...... 2
8. Payton Stanford..... 1
Derek Gonzales...... 1
1. Payton Stanford..... 6
Innings pitched
1. Caleb Allen......... 72.1
2. Montana Hammack..... 67.2
Batters struck out
1. Caleb Allen......... 45
2. Kyle Baird.......... 25
3. Montana Hammack..... 20
4. Derek Gonzales...... 17
5. Chris Martinez...... 15
6. Nick Gutierrez...... 13
Tyler Heimann....... 13
8. Kolby Kitchens...... 12
9. Robert Baker........ 10
10.Payton Stanford..... 8
1. Derek Gonzales...... 16
2. Caleb Allen......... 12
Robert Baker........ 12
4. Montana Hammack..... 11
5. Tyler Heimann....... 10
Payton Stanford..... 10
7. Kyle Baird.......... 9
8. Nick Gutierrez...... 8
Chris Martinez...... 8
10.Kolby Kitchens...... 7
Games started
1. Caleb Allen......... 12
2. Montana Hammack..... 11
3. Nick Gutierrez...... 5
4. Chris Martinez...... 4
5. Kyle Baird.......... 3
6. Kolby Kitchens...... 2
Robert Baker........ 2
8. Tyler Heimann....... 1
Games finished
1. Payton Stanford..... 10
2. Derek Gonzales...... 8
3. Kyle Baird.......... 5
4. Kolby Kitchens...... 3
Chris Martinez...... 3
Tyler Heimann....... 3
7. Robert Baker........ 2
Alec Swofford....... 2
9. 3 tied at........... 1
Games in relief
1. Derek Gonzales...... 16
2. Robert Baker........ 10
Payton Stanford..... 10
4. Tyler Heimann....... 9
5. Kyle Baird.......... 6
6. Kolby Kitchens...... 5
N Flores............ 5
8. Chris Martinez...... 4
9. 4 tied at........... 3
Wild pitches
1. Chris Martinez...... 10
2. Montana Hammack..... 8
3. Caleb Allen......... 5
4. Kolby Kitchens...... 4
Alec Swofford....... 4
N Flores............ 4
Tyler Heimann....... 4
Kyle Baird.......... 4
9. 3 tied at........... 3
1. Caleb Allen......... 2
2. Kyle Baird.......... 1
Chris Martinez...... 1
Tyler Heimann....... 1
Robert Baker........ 1
Hit batters
1. Nick Gutierrez...... 9
2. Chris Martinez...... 8
Robert Baker........ 8
4. Montana Hammack..... 7
5. Caleb Allen......... 6
6. Kolby Kitchens...... 5
7. Kyle Baird.......... 4
8. Alec Swofford....... 2
9. 4 tied at........... 1
Intentional BB allowed
1. Payton Stanford..... 1
Runners picked off
1. Montana Hammack..... 3
2. Caleb Allen......... 1
Robert Baker........ 1
Batters SO out looking
1. Caleb Allen......... 10
Derek Gonzales...... 10
3. Nick Gutierrez...... 6
Kolby Kitchens...... 6
5. Tyler Heimann....... 5
Montana Hammack..... 5
Chris Martinez...... 5
8. Kyle Baird.......... 4
9. Robert Baker........ 3
10.Payton Stanford..... 2
Sac bunts allowed
1. Caleb Allen......... 10
2. Montana Hammack..... 8
3. Chris Martinez...... 5
Derek Gonzales...... 5
5. Robert Baker........ 3
6. Kolby Kitchens...... 2
7. Nick Gutierrez...... 1
N Flores............ 1
Sac flies allowed
1. Kyle Baird.......... 5
2. Nick Gutierrez...... 4
Kolby Kitchens...... 4
4. Caleb Allen......... 3
Montana Hammack..... 3
6. Derek Gonzales...... 2
7. 7 tied at........... 1
Hits allowed
1. Caleb Allen......... 92
2. Montana Hammack..... 100
Runs allowed
1. Caleb Allen......... 59
2. Montana Hammack..... 62
Earned runs allowed
1. Caleb Allen......... 45
2. Montana Hammack..... 51
Walks allowed
1. Montana Hammack..... 15
2. Caleb Allen......... 27
Doubles allowed
1. Caleb Allen......... 22
2. Montana Hammack..... 25
Triples allowed
1. Montana Hammack..... 6
Caleb Allen......... 6
Home runs allowed
1. Montana Hammack..... 4
Caleb Allen......... 4
2017 SCAC Baseball
Pitching Per-Game leaders for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Innings per game
1. Montana Hammack..... 6.15
2. Caleb Allen......... 6.03
1. Caleb Allen......... 5.60
2. Montana Hammack..... 2.66
Walks allowed/game
1. Montana Hammack..... 2.00
2. Caleb Allen......... 3.36
Doubles allowed/game
1. Caleb Allen......... 2.74
2. Montana Hammack..... 3.33
Triples allowed/game
1. Caleb Allen......... 0.75
2. Montana Hammack..... 0.80
Homers allowed/game
1. Caleb Allen......... 0.50
2. Montana Hammack..... 0.53
Fly outs/game
1. Montana Hammack..... 9.84
2. Caleb Allen......... 9.58
Ground outs/game
1. Montana Hammack..... 11.70
2. Caleb Allen......... 9.95
Batters faced/game
1. Montana Hammack..... 42.83
2. Caleb Allen......... 42.55
Hits allowed/game
1. Caleb Allen......... 11.45
2. Montana Hammack..... 13.30
Runs allowed/game
1. Caleb Allen......... 7.34
2. Montana Hammack..... 8.25
Earned runs/game
1. Caleb Allen......... 5.60
2. Montana Hammack..... 6.78
2017 SCAC Baseball
Fielding Leaders for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
1. Tomas Garcia........ .984
2. Ryan Ragle.......... .977
3. Reece Hohhertz...... .968
4. Sam Pistrui......... .959
5. Ernest Ortiz........ .955
6. Hudson Valenti...... .933
7. Jonas Garcia........ .902
8. Josh Gilliam........ .870
1. Tomas Garcia........ 310
2. Ryan Ragle.......... 173
3. Osman Quintana...... 142
4. Josh Gilliam........ 138
5. Sam Pistrui......... 123
6. Hudson Valenti...... 120
7. Kyle Romaguera...... 73
8. Jonas Garcia........ 61
9. George Elliott...... 49
10.2 tied at........... 35
1. Tomas Garcia........ 289
2. Ryan Ragle.......... 149
3. Sam Pistrui......... 108
4. Jonas Garcia........ 48
5. Hudson Valenti...... 46
6. George Elliott...... 41
7. Osman Quintana...... 40
8. Hunter Bazan........ 34
9. Connor Ver Schuur... 33
10.Josh Gilliam........ 31
1. Josh Gilliam........ 89
2. Osman Quintana...... 84
3. Hudson Valenti...... 66
4. Kyle Romaguera...... 52
5. Ryan Ragle.......... 20
6. Montana Hammack..... 17
7. Tomas Garcia........ 16
8. Sammy Garcia........ 15
9. Caleb Allen......... 12
10.2 tied at........... 10
1. Osman Quintana...... 18
Josh Gilliam........ 18
3. Hudson Valenti...... 8
4. Kyle Romaguera...... 7
5. Jonas Garcia........ 6
6. Tomas Garcia........ 5
Caleb Allen......... 5
Sam Pistrui......... 5
9. Sammy Garcia........ 4
Ryan Ragle.......... 4
Fielding double plays
1. Tomas Garcia........ 25
2. Hudson Valenti...... 17
3. Osman Quintana...... 14
4. Kyle Romaguera...... 8
5. Josh Gilliam........ 6
6. Sammy Garcia........ 5
7. Reece Hohhertz...... 4
Sam Pistrui......... 4
9. Hunter Bazan........ 3
10.Ryan Ragle.......... 1
Stolen bases against
1. Ryan Ragle.......... 41
2. Montana Hammack..... 17
3. George Elliott...... 12
4. Nick Gutierrez...... 10
5. Chris Martinez...... 8
6. Caleb Allen......... 5
7. Robert Baker........ 4
8. Derek Gonzales...... 3
C Collins........... 3
10.2 tied at........... 2
Caught stealing by
1. Ryan Ragle.......... 8
2. Caleb Allen......... 4
3. Montana Hammack..... 3
4. Kyle Baird.......... 2
Tyler Heimann....... 2
George Elliott...... 2
7. C Collins........... 1
Chris Martinez...... 1
Steal attempts against
1. Ryan Ragle.......... 49
2. Montana Hammack..... 20
3. George Elliott...... 14
4. Nick Gutierrez...... 10
5. Chris Martinez...... 9
Caleb Allen......... 9
7. C Collins........... 4
Robert Baker........ 4
Kyle Baird.......... 4
10.2 tied at........... 3
Passed balls
1. Ryan Ragle.......... 6
Catchers interference
1. Ryan Ragle.......... 2
2. George Elliott...... 1
Per-Game Statistics
2017 SCAC Baseball
Per-Game Statistics for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 13-27 Home: 8-12 Away: 5-15 SCAC: 4-14
Player G AB H/g 2B/g 3B/g HR/g BB/g SO/g RBI/g SB/g R/g *AB *R *H *RBI *BB *K *TB *Fly *Gnd
Sam Pistrui......... 40 136 1.15 .18 .13 .00 .78 .55 .55 .20 .73 76 16 25 12 17 12 35 19 19
Reece Hohhertz...... 35 112 1.06 .17 .03 .00 .46 .51 .57 .00 .46 84 12 28 15 12 13 34 21 18
Jonas Garcia........ 33 118 1.09 .24 .03 .03 .45 .73 .42 .82 .76 84 17 25 10 10 17 35 18 21
Tomas Garcia........ 35 124 .91 .17 .00 .00 .29 .54 .60 .03 .57 86 13 22 14 6 13 26 21 27
Josh Gilliam........ 40 132 .75 .10 .05 .03 .33 .58 .40 .08 .35 84 8 19 10 8 14 26 21 28
Gio Datiz........... 6 5 .33 .00 .00 .00 .17 .33 .17 .00 .17 71 14 28 14 14 28 28 14 0
C Collins........... 8 8 .38 .00 .00 .00 .25 .38 .00 .00 .38 66 25 25 0 16 25 25 8 8
Hunter Bazan........ 19 29 .47 .16 .05 .00 .26 .47 .32 .00 .00 80 0 25 16 13 25 38 19 13
George Elliott...... 22 43 .59 .09 .00 .00 .18 .55 .45 .05 .05 89 2 27 20 8 25 31 16 22
Hudson Valenti...... 31 87 .77 .19 .03 .03 .42 1.23 .32 .13 .65 75 17 20 8 11 32 30 8 17
Kyle Romaguera...... 24 38 .42 .00 .00 .00 .25 .29 .21 .08 .29 79 14 20 10 12 14 20 27 18
Ricky Canales....... 13 27 .54 .08 .00 .00 .38 .38 .23 .00 .23 81 9 21 9 15 15 24 6 36
Sammy Garcia........ 11 24 .55 .00 .00 .00 .36 .45 .27 .00 .00 82 0 20 10 13 17 20 34 13
Ben Benavides....... 24 79 .79 .04 .00 .00 .38 .79 .33 .13 .71 84 18 20 8 9 20 21 21 22
Ernest Ortiz........ 30 56 .43 .03 .00 .00 .03 .37 .13 .30 .40 96 20 22 6 1 18 24 15 31
Connor Ver Schuur... 27 44 .37 .07 .00 .00 .22 .52 .07 .00 .37 80 18 18 3 10 25 21 20 18
Ryan Ragle.......... 33 78 .42 .06 .00 .00 .52 .73 .36 .06 .27 72 8 13 11 15 22 14 17 22
Osman Quintana...... 29 72 .41 .10 .00 .03 .45 .76 .24 .03 .52 75 15 12 7 13 23 18 27 15
Kyle Baird.......... 12 27 .33 .17 .00 .08 .17 1.00 .33 .08 .42 90 16 13 13 6 40 30 16 20
Nico Cruz........... 4 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40
Trevor Wren......... 5 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .40 .40 .00 .00 .00 60 0 0 0 40 40 0 20 0
Hunter Devine....... 4 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 50
Chris Resendez...... 1 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
Totals.............. 40 1248 8.18 1.35 .28 .13 4.38 7.28 4.20 1.60 5.23 81 13 21 11 11 19 27 19 21
Opponents........... 40 1379 11.55 2.48 .88 .35 2.98 4.65 6.70 1.40 8.08 85 19 28 16 7 11 41 21 23
* = average based on 100 plate appearances
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Player APP IP IP/APP W-L +IP +H +R +ER +BB +SO +2B +3B +HR +BF +ERA +Fly +Gnd
Caleb Allen......... 12 72.1 6.0 3-7 9.0 11.4 7.3 5.6 3.4 5.6 2.7 0.7 0.5 42.6 5.60 9.6 10.0
Montana Hammack..... 11 67.2 6.0 2-7 9.0 13.3 8.2 6.8 2.0 2.7 3.3 0.8 0.5 42.8 6.78 9.8 11.7
J. Hakala........... 1 0.2 0.2 0-0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.5 0.0 --- --- --- 40.5 0.00 0.0 13.5
Robert Baker........ 12 30.2 2.1 3-2 9.0 9.4 5.6 3.8 1.5 2.9 2.1 0.3 --- 39.6 3.82 12.9 9.4
Derek Gonzales...... 16 29.0 1.2 3-1 9.0 12.7 6.5 5.3 1.6 5.3 4.7 0.6 0.3 41.3 5.28 7.8 12.7
Payton Stanford..... 10 10.2 1.0 0-1 9.0 13.5 11.0 7.6 6.8 6.8 2.5 --- 0.8 48.1 7.59 10.1 9.3
Chris Martinez...... 8 24.2 3.0 0-3 9.0 12.8 9.1 8.4 3.3 5.5 1.8 1.1 0.4 45.6 8.39 9.9 10.9
Nick Gutierrez...... 8 23.1 2.2 0-2 9.0 13.5 12.0 8.5 6.6 5.0 2.3 1.2 --- 51.7 8.49 9.6 11.2
Kolby Kitchens...... 7 19.1 2.2 1-2 9.0 15.4 11.6 8.8 1.4 5.6 1.4 2.3 --- 48.9 8.84 10.2 10.7
Kyle Baird.......... 9 22.2 2.1 1-2 9.0 13.5 10.7 9.1 4.0 9.9 2.0 1.6 0.8 46.1 9.13 7.1 7.9
Tyler Heimann....... 10 10.1 1.0 0-0 9.0 15.7 12.2 10.5 6.1 11.3 2.6 --- 0.9 51.4 10.45 4.4 7.8
Chris Resendez...... 3 2.1 0.2 0-0 9.0 15.4 11.6 11.6 11.6 3.9 3.9 --- --- 57.9 11.57 19.3 3.9
N Flores............ 5 5.2 1.0 0-0 9.0 11.1 12.7 12.7 7.9 4.8 --- 3.2 --- 49.2 12.71 7.9 12.7
Lance Martin........ 3 3.0 1.0 0-0 9.0 30.0 18.0 15.0 0.0 6.0 9.0 6.0 --- 57.0 15.00 15.0 3.0
Alec Swofford....... 3 2.1 0.2 0-0 9.0 3.9 19.3 19.3 15.4 7.7 --- --- --- 54.0 19.29 11.6 7.7
R. Marchlewi........ 1 0.1 0.1 0-0 9.0 99.0 99.0 54.0 0.0 0.0 27.0 27.0 --- 99.0 54.00 27.0 0.0
Totals.............. 40 325.0 8.0 13-27 9.0 12.8 8.9 7.1 3.3 5.2 2.7 1.0 0.4 44.8 7.12 9.6 10.4
Opponents........... 40 332.1 8.0 27-13 9.0 8.9 5.7 4.5 4.7 7.9 1.5 0.3 0.1 41.4 4.52 8.1 9.0
+ = average based on 9-inning game
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Season Game Highs
2017 SCAC Baseball
Season Game Highs for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
At bats: 42 - at Central Christian (Mar 04, 2017)
Runs scored: 13 - at Dallas Christian (Feb 25, 2017)
13 - vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
Hits: 16 - at Central Christian (Mar 04, 2017)
RBIs: 11 - at Dallas Christian (Feb 25, 2017)
11 - vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
Doubles: 4 - vs Texas Lutheran (Mar 31, 2017)
Triples: 3 - vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
Home runs: 1 - (5 games )
Total bases: 22 - vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
Walks: 9 - at Trinity University (Apr 07, 2017)
9 - at Trinity University (Apr 08, 2017)
9 - vs Huston-Tillotson (Apr 18, 2017)
Strikeouts: 14 - at Trinity University (Apr 07, 2017)
Sac hits: 3 - vs Howard Payne (Feb 11, 2017)
3 - at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Sac flies: 2 - (4 games )
Stolen bases: 7 - vs Howard Payne (Feb 11, 2017)
Hit by pitch: 5 - at Austin College (Apr 14, 2017)
Caught stealing: 2 - vs Howard Payne (Feb 11, 2017)
2 - vs Dallas (Apr 23, 2017)
Runners LOB: 14 - at Arlington Baptist (Mar 03, 2017)
Hit into DP: 3 - vs Dallas (Apr 22, 2017)
Putouts: 30 - vs Hardin-Simmons (Feb 18, 2017)
Assists: 17 - at Austin College (Apr 14, 2017)
Errors: 5 - (4 games )
Passed balls: 2 - vs Hardin-Simmons (Feb 18, 2017)
DPs turned: 2 - (5 games )
Innings pitched: 10.0 - vs Hardin-Simmons (Feb 18, 2017)
Runs allowed: 23 - at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Earned runs: 16 - at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Walks allowed: 11 - at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Strikeouts: 13 - at McMurry University (Feb 28, 2017)
Hits allowed: 21 - at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Doubles allowed: 7 - vs Texas Lutheran (Apr 01, 2017)
Triples allowed: 3 - at Arlington Baptist (Mar 03, 2017)
3 - at La Verne (Mar 12, 2017)
3 - at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Homers allowed: 3 - vs East Texas Baptist (Feb 03, 2017)
Wild pitches: 4 - (5 games )
Hit batters: 6 - vs East Texas Baptist (Feb 03, 2017)
6 - at La Verne (Mar 12, 2017)
2017 SCAC Baseball
Season Game Highs for Schreiner (May 20, 2017)
(All games)
At bats: 5 - (41 games )
Runs scored: 4 - Jonas Garcia vs Howard Payne (Feb 11, 2017)
Hits: 4 - (5 games )
RBIs: 4 - Hunter Bazan vs Howard Payne (Feb 11, 2017)
4 - Reece Hohhertz vs Texas Lutheran (Apr 01, 2017)
Doubles: 2 - Tomas Garcia vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 24, 2017)
2 - Josh Gilliam vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
2 - Hudson Valenti vs Texas Lutheran (Mar 31, 2017)
Triples: 2 - Josh Gilliam vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
Home runs: 1 - (5 games )
Total bases: 6 - Hudson Valenti vs East Texas Baptist (Feb 03, 2017)
6 - Josh Gilliam vs Southwestern (TX) (Mar 25, 2017)
Walks: 3 - Jonas Garcia vs Texas Lutheran (Apr 01, 2017)
3 - Ryan Ragle vs Huston-Tillotson (Apr 18, 2017)
Strikeouts: 3 - (14 games )
Sac hits: 2 - Connor Ver Schuur at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
2 - Ryan Ragle at Austin College (Apr 14, 2017)
Sac flies: 1 - (14 games )
Stolen bases: 5 - Jonas Garcia vs Howard Payne (Feb 11, 2017)
Hit by pitch: 2 - Ben Benavides at Dallas Christian (Feb 25, 2017)
Caught stealing: 1 - (19 games )
Runners LOB: 6 - Ryan Ragle vs Texas Lutheran (Apr 01, 2017)
Putouts: 15 - Tomas Garcia vs Texas Lutheran (Apr 01, 2017)
Assists: 7 - Kyle Romaguera at Centenary (LA) (Mar 17, 2017)
7 - Osman Quintana vs Texas Lutheran (Mar 31, 2017)
Errors: 3 - Kyle Romaguera at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
3 - Osman Quintana at Trinity University (Apr 07, 2017)
Passed balls: 2 - Ryan Ragle vs Hardin-Simmons (Feb 18, 2017)
Innings pitched: 8.0 - Montana Hammack at Austin College (Apr 15, 2017)
Runs allowed: 10 - Montana Hammack at Arlington Baptist (Mar 03, 2017)
10 - Montana Hammack at Centenary (LA) (Mar 17, 2017)
10 - Kolby Kitchens at Trinity University (Apr 07, 2017)
Earned runs: 10 - Montana Hammack at Centenary (LA) (Mar 17, 2017)
Walks allowed: 4 - (7 games )
Strikeouts: 9 - Kyle Baird at McMurry University (Feb 28, 2017)
Hits allowed: 16 - Caleb Allen at Austin College (Apr 15, 2017)
Doubles allowed: 6 - Montana Hammack at Centenary (LA) (Mar 17, 2017)
Triples allowed: 2 - (5 games )
Homers allowed: 3 - Montana Hammack vs East Texas Baptist (Feb 03, 2017)
Wild pitches: 4 - Alec Swofford at Redlands (Mar 13, 2017)
Hit batters: 5 - Chris Martinez vs East Texas Baptist (Feb 03, 2017)