Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference
Team Statistics
Overall Statistics
Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference
SCAC Overall Statistics (May 17, 2009)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Rhodes.............. .332 41 1425 326 473 84 18 24 293 665 .467 174 79 279 28 .427 22 29 118-145 1065 452 83 .948
Birmingham-Southern. .328 39 1298 324 426 82 15 28 307 622 .479 142 47 180 11 .405 32 24 49-60 973 436 85 .943
Trinity............. .327 45 1550 338 507 111 7 40 311 752 .485 197 52 243 21 .414 29 24 70-91 1133 510 78 .955
Oglethorpe.......... .310 36 1239 235 384 69 5 24 196 535 .432 121 32 201 14 .383 9 11 76-93 902 389 61 .955
DePauw.............. .308 41 1403 296 432 90 8 29 256 625 .445 146 51 203 22 .389 17 22 118-135 1021 442 86 .944
Millsaps............ .305 44 1480 389 451 93 16 47 338 717 .484 219 87 297 27 .416 33 11 100-119 1128 478 63 .962
Centre.............. .304 36 1265 240 384 56 10 18 212 514 .406 140 45 257 22 .390 10 28 39-49 907 409 99 .930
Sewanee............. .302 30 1055 225 319 52 4 8 192 403 .382 124 43 153 12 .394 11 8 31-39 712 293 59 .945
Hendrix............. .296 45 1468 299 434 91 13 30 272 641 .437 164 28 292 15 .371 27 15 87-109 1103 460 68 .958
Austin.............. .288 39 1252 251 361 74 8 22 217 517 .413 178 41 258 13 .392 8 31 52-65 941 355 66 .952
Southwestern........ .287 39 1263 221 363 66 4 17 197 488 .386 169 39 234 35 .383 20 11 22-28 958 396 77 .946
Totals.............. .308 14698 4534 108 2791 .441 544 220 218 762-933 4620 .949
435 3144 868 287 6479 1774 2597 .398 214 10843 825
CI - Hendrix 4, Birmingham S 4, Austin 2, Oglethorpe 1, DePauw 1, Rhodes 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Birmingham-Southern. 3.75 28-11 39 1 1/1 6 324.1 362 190 135 125 274 57 2 17 1288 .281 30 27 5 9 22
Rhodes.............. 4.72 25-16 41 4 2/0 3 355.0 417 245 186 143 285 75 11 19 1435 .291 28 48 3 9 29
Millsaps............ 5.07 34-10 44 4 2/2 11 376.0 465 260 212 175 271 95 7 20 1511 .308 27 34 6 21 21
Trinity............. 5.41 24-21 45 6 4/2 3 377.2 399 302 227 194 323 62 12 28 1465 .272 50 55 6 18 28
DePauw.............. 5.53 22-19 41 7 2/1 8 340.1 426 275 209 142 245 64 8 25 1400 .304 34 31 1 19 31
Oglethorpe.......... 5.75 19-17 36 2 1/1 4 302.0 373 239 193 133 264 87 5 17 1252 .298 37 23 4 12 13
Southwestern........ 6.17 16-23 39 5 4/4 5 319.1 378 262 219 148 251 74 9 20 1291 .293 42 37 4 15 20
Hendrix............. 6.63 22-23 45 4 0/0 12 367.2 452 309 271 195 214 98 13 35 1460 .310 48 74 6 21 30
Austin.............. 6.97 15-24 39 7 3/2 5 313.2 430 319 243 195 260 88 9 39 1308 .329 43 48 5 28 20
Centre.............. 8.13 12-24 36 4 0/0 3 302.1 433 355 273 215 187 77 6 25 1289 .336 43 58 6 25 17
Sewanee............. 8.80 8-22 30 4 0/0 0 237.1 358 284 232 132 151 71 18 26 1046 .342 34 44 2 11 13
Totals.............. 5.97 435 19/13 3615.2 3040 1797 848 271 .305 479 188
225-210 48 60 4493 2400 2725 100 14745 416 48 244
PB - Rhodes 20, Trinity 16, Hendrix 16, Sewanee 14, Austin 14, Centre 13, Oglethorpe 8, Birmingham S 8, Millsaps 8, DePauw 6,
Southwestern 2. Pickoffs - Birmingham S 14, Trinity 12, Centre 11, Southwestern 11, Millsaps 10, Hendrix 9, Sewanee 8, DePauw
4, Austin 4, Oglethorpe 3, Rhodes 2.
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Millsaps............ 1669 1128 478 63 .962 34 75 21 .781 8 0
Hendrix............. 1631 1103 460 68 .958 37 38 24 .613 16 4
Oglethorpe.......... 1352 902 389 61 .955 26 71 9 .888 8 1
Trinity............. 1721 1133 510 78 .955 46 80 19 .808 16 0
Austin.............. 1362 941 355 66 .952 29 60 15 .800 14 2
Rhodes.............. 1600 1065 452 83 .948 40 60 15 .800 20 1
Southwestern........ 1431 958 396 77 .946 26 71 13 .845 2 0
Sewanee............. 1064 712 293 59 .945 14 80 8 .909 14 0
DePauw.............. 1549 1021 442 86 .944 36 57 14 .803 6 1
Birmingham-Southern. 1494 973 436 85 .943 29 52 11 .825 8 4
Centre.............. 1415 907 409 99 .930 26 63 19 .768 13 0
Totals.............. 16288 4620 .949 707 .808 13
10843 825 343 168 125
Category Leaders
Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference
SCAC Batting Leaders (May 17, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game 3.0 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
1. Rhodes.............. .332
2. Birmingham-Southern. .328
3. Trinity............. .327
4. Oglethorpe.......... .310
5. DePauw.............. .308
Slugging pct
1. Trinity............. .485
2. Millsaps............ .484
3. Birmingham-Southern. .479
4. Rhodes.............. .467
5. DePauw.............. .445
On base pct
1. Rhodes.............. .427
2. Millsaps............ .416
3. Trinity............. .414
4. Birmingham-Southern. .405
5. Sewanee............. .394
Runs scored
1. Millsaps............ 389
2. Trinity............. 338
3. Rhodes.............. 326
4. Birmingham-Southern. 324
5. Hendrix............. 299
1. Trinity............. 507
2. Rhodes.............. 473
3. Millsaps............ 451
4. Hendrix............. 434
5. DePauw.............. 432
Runs batted in
1. Millsaps............ 338
2. Trinity............. 311
3. Birmingham-Southern. 307
4. Rhodes.............. 293
5. Hendrix............. 272
1. Trinity............. 111
2. Millsaps............ 93
3. Hendrix............. 91
4. DePauw.............. 90
5. Rhodes.............. 84
1. Rhodes.............. 18
2. Millsaps............ 16
3. Birmingham-Southern. 15
4. Hendrix............. 13
5. Centre.............. 10
Home runs
1. Millsaps............ 47
2. Trinity............. 40
3. Hendrix............. 30
4. DePauw.............. 29
5. Birmingham-Southern. 28
Total bases
1. Trinity............. 752
2. Millsaps............ 717
3. Rhodes.............. 665
4. Hendrix............. 641
5. DePauw.............. 625
Total plate appearances
1. Trinity............. 1852
2. Millsaps............ 1830
3. Rhodes.............. 1730
4. Hendrix............. 1702
5. DePauw.............. 1640
At bats
1. Trinity............. 1550
2. Millsaps............ 1480
3. Hendrix............. 1468
4. Rhodes.............. 1425
5. DePauw.............. 1403
1. Millsaps............ 219
2. Trinity............. 197
3. Austin.............. 178
4. Rhodes.............. 174
5. Southwestern........ 169
Hit by pitch
1. Millsaps............ 87
2. Rhodes.............. 79
3. Trinity............. 52
4. DePauw.............. 51
5. Birmingham-Southern. 47
1. Millsaps............ 297
2. Hendrix............. 292
3. Rhodes.............. 279
4. Austin.............. 258
5. Centre.............. 257
Sac bunts
1. Austin.............. 31
2. Rhodes.............. 29
3. Centre.............. 28
4. Trinity............. 24
Birmingham-Southern. 24
Sac flies
1. Millsaps............ 33
2. Birmingham-Southern. 32
3. Trinity............. 29
4. Hendrix............. 27
5. Rhodes.............. 22
Stolen bases
1. DePauw.............. 118
Rhodes.............. 118
3. Millsaps............ 100
4. Hendrix............. 87
5. Oglethorpe.......... 76
Caught stealing
1. Rhodes.............. 27
2. Hendrix............. 22
3. Trinity............. 21
4. Millsaps............ 19
5. 2 tied at........... 17
Steal attempts
1. Rhodes.............. 145
2. DePauw.............. 135
3. Millsaps............ 119
4. Hendrix............. 109
5. Oglethorpe.......... 93
Grounded into DP
1. Southwestern........ 35
2. Rhodes.............. 28
3. Millsaps............ 27
4. DePauw.............. 22
Centre.............. 22
Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference
SCAC Pitching Leaders (May 17, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games 2.5 AB/Game 3.0 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
1. Birmingham-Southern. 3.75
2. Rhodes.............. 4.72
3. Millsaps............ 5.07
4. Trinity............. 5.41
5. DePauw.............. 5.53
Opposing bat avg
1. Trinity............. .272
2. Birmingham-Southern. .281
3. Rhodes.............. .291
4. Southwestern........ .293
5. Oglethorpe.......... .298
Innings pitched
1. Trinity............. 377.2
2. Millsaps............ 376.0
3. Hendrix............. 367.2
4. Rhodes.............. 355.0
5. DePauw.............. 340.1
Batters struck out
1. Trinity............. 323
2. Rhodes.............. 285
3. Birmingham-Southern. 274
4. Millsaps............ 271
5. Oglethorpe.......... 264
Batters SO out looking
1. Birmingham-Southern. 112
2. Southwestern........ 93
3. Rhodes.............. 92
Trinity............. 92
5. Austin.............. 89
1. Millsaps............ 34
2. Birmingham-Southern. 28
3. Rhodes.............. 25
4. Trinity............. 24
5. 2 tied at........... 22
1. Centre.............. 24
Austin.............. 24
3. Southwestern........ 23
Hendrix............. 23
5. Sewanee............. 22
1. Hendrix............. 12
2. Millsaps............ 11
3. DePauw.............. 8
4. Birmingham-Southern. 6
5. 2 tied at........... 5
Runners picked off
1. Birmingham-Southern. 14
2. Trinity............. 12
3. Centre.............. 11
Southwestern........ 11
5. Millsaps............ 10
Sac bunts allowed
1. DePauw.............. 31
2. Hendrix............. 30
3. Rhodes.............. 29
4. Trinity............. 28
5. Birmingham-Southern. 22
Sac flies allowed
1. Austin.............. 28
2. Centre.............. 25
3. Hendrix............. 21
Millsaps............ 21
5. DePauw.............. 19
Hits allowed
1. Sewanee............. 358
2. Birmingham-Southern. 362
3. Oglethorpe.......... 373
4. Southwestern........ 378
5. Trinity............. 399
Runs allowed
1. Birmingham-Southern. 190
2. Oglethorpe.......... 239
3. Rhodes.............. 245
4. Millsaps............ 260
5. Southwestern........ 262
Earned runs allowed
1. Birmingham-Southern. 135
2. Rhodes.............. 186
3. Oglethorpe.......... 193
4. DePauw.............. 209
5. Millsaps............ 212
Walks allowed
1. Birmingham-Southern. 125
2. Sewanee............. 132
3. Oglethorpe.......... 133
4. DePauw.............. 142
5. Rhodes.............. 143
Doubles allowed
1. Birmingham-Southern. 57
2. Trinity............. 62
3. DePauw.............. 64
4. Sewanee............. 71
5. Southwestern........ 74
Triples allowed
1. Birmingham-Southern. 2
2. Oglethorpe.......... 5
3. Centre.............. 6
4. Millsaps............ 7
5. DePauw.............. 8
Home runs allowed
1. Oglethorpe.......... 17
Birmingham-Southern. 17
3. Rhodes.............. 19
4. Millsaps............ 20
Southwestern........ 20
Wild pitches
1. Trinity............. 50
2. Hendrix............. 48
3. Centre.............. 43
Austin.............. 43
5. Southwestern........ 42
1. Trinity............. 6
Hendrix............. 6
Centre.............. 6
Millsaps............ 6
5. 2 tied at........... 5
Hit batters
1. Hendrix............. 74
2. Centre.............. 58
3. Trinity............. 55
4. Austin.............. 48
Rhodes.............. 48
Intentional BB allowed
1. Rhodes.............. 1
2. Trinity............. 10
3. Millsaps............ 6
4. DePauw.............. 3
Hendrix............. 3
Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference
SCAC Fielding Leaders (May 17, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
1. Millsaps............ .962
2. Hendrix............. .958
3. Oglethorpe.......... .955
4. Trinity............. .955
5. Austin.............. .952
1. Trinity............. 1721
2. Millsaps............ 1669
3. Hendrix............. 1631
4. Rhodes.............. 1600
5. DePauw.............. 1549
1. Trinity............. 1133
2. Millsaps............ 1128
3. Hendrix............. 1103
4. Rhodes.............. 1065
5. DePauw.............. 1021
1. Trinity............. 510
2. Millsaps............ 478
3. Hendrix............. 460
4. Rhodes.............. 452
5. DePauw.............. 442
1. Centre.............. 99
2. DePauw.............. 86
3. Birmingham-Southern. 85
4. Rhodes.............. 83
5. Trinity............. 78
Fielding double plays
1. Trinity............. 46
2. Rhodes.............. 40
3. Hendrix............. 37
4. DePauw.............. 36
5. Millsaps............ 34
Stolen bases against
1. Trinity............. 80
Sewanee............. 80
3. Millsaps............ 75
4. Southwestern........ 71
Oglethorpe.......... 71
Caught stealing by
1. Hendrix............. 24
2. Millsaps............ 21
3. Centre.............. 19
Trinity............. 19
5. 2 tied at........... 15
Steal attempts against
1. Trinity............. 99
2. Millsaps............ 96
3. Sewanee............. 88
4. Southwestern........ 84
5. Centre.............. 82
Passed balls
1. Rhodes.............. 20
2. Hendrix............. 16
Trinity............. 16
4. Austin.............. 14
Sewanee............. 14
Catchers interference
1. Hendrix............. 4
Birmingham-Southern. 4
3. Austin.............. 2
4. 3 tied at........... 1