Trinity University; 'Black Out' Breast Cancer

Trinity University; 'Black Out' Breast Cancer

(Story courtesy of James Hill, Trinity University)

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - The Trinity University Student-Athlete Advisory Committee has been a strong voice for Trinity athletics and its participants.

During Alumni Weekend, the SAAC raised its voice even louder by initiating a campus-wide effort to promote awareness of the treatment of breast cancer.

A large number of campus organizations sold black T-shirts all week, with the proceeds going to two cancer-fighting entities. The idea was for all to wear the T-shirts and form a "Black Out" at the weekend's activities, in support of the program.

The idea was a huge success, and there was a special ceremony during the Trinity women's soccer game Oct. 7 with Rhodes College. Checks totaling $18,000 were presented to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, and to Texas Wings, an organization which provides low-cost or no-cost mammograms to uninsured women.

The co-sponsors of the SAAC - women's basketball Coach Amie Bradley, and women's soccer Coach Lance Key - could not have been more proud of the efforts of the SAAC and the Trinity student body.

"One of the goals of the SAAC is to represent Trinity University within our community," Bradley said. "The student-led initiative to raise money and awareness for the fight against breast cancer is a great example of our student athletes' dedication to making a positive difference in San Antonio."

A number of Tiger teams and other organizations sold the T-shirts throughout the week, all with the goal of battling cancer.

Accepting the check on behalf of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure was Jason Guthrie, a Tiger assistant football coach, and co-chair of the San Antonio Race for the Cure. The 2012 Race for the Cure will be held May 12, and information is available at

Texas Wings Executive Director Terri Jones was at the game to represent her organization. Detailed information about may be obtained at