Anna Joliff, Hendrix College, Women's Cross Country

Anna Joliff, Hendrix College, Women's Cross Country

ANNA JOLIFF OF HENDRIX COLLEGE, a first-year runner on the women's cross country team, has been selected the SCAC Character & Community Female Student-Athlete-of-the-Week for the week ending October 30, 2011.

Joliff, who hails from Newberg, Ore., participated this summer in YCEW: Youth Challenged to Expand their Worldview.

As a member of seven young adults from the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends, Joliff spent four weeks in Cambodia. The group stayed in major cities such as Phenom Penh and Battambang, where they visited churches, temples, and war memorials.

The seven also stayed in three different villages, all of which were poor and rural. There, they completed service projects and built relationships with local members of the community.

"We were humbled by the way in which the villagers graciously accepted our presence, despite the fact that we came from foreign, and comparatively privileged, backgrounds," said Joliff. "I returned to the United States changed and, surprisingly, invigorated by my experience. I was more aware of how little I know, and more appreciative of what it could mean to be an engaged and empathetic member of the global community."

SCAC Character & Community
Female Student-Athlete of the Week
Week 1 Jessica Thornton, Birmingham-Southern College
Week 2 Kayte Forester, Southwestern University
Week 3  Zoe Clark, Rhodes College
Week 4 Blair Barrows, Sewanee: University of the South
Week 5 Leanne Gilder, Millsaps College
Week 6  Amy Schornack, Colorado College
Week 7  Anna Joliff, Hendrix College
Week 8   
Week 9   
Week 10   
Week 11   
Week 12