Page 2 revisits Trinity-Millsaps miracle (an ESPN feature story)

Page 2 revisits Trinity-Millsaps miracle (an ESPN feature story)

by Doug Williams
Special to ESPN Page 2

You'd think the football -- the very object that caused such a fuss -- would be on an ivory pedestal, bathed in spotlights and in a place of honor, a shrine to the football god of Never Give Up.

But you'd be wrong.

The ball that was pitched around like a circus act and carried across the goal line on the hot afternoon of Oct. 27, 2007, in Jackson, Miss., is downstairs under lock and key in the football offices at Trinity University in San Antonio.

Out of sight, but hardly out of mind.

In a game dubbed "the Mississippi Miracle" -- the mother of all lateralfests -- little Trinity University leaped from obscurity to fame in a span of 62 seconds. One forward pass was followed by 15 laterals involving seven players in a 61-yard scoring play that started with just two seconds left in the game.

Fifteen laterals. No penalties. A blind, over-the-head pitch by an offensive lineman and a final, perfectly bounced toss that could have been thrown by Steve Nash -- all against one of the nation's top Division III defenses -- for a 28-24 Trinity victory.

Click here to read the entire story.

Better than Cal-Stanford in 1982?