2015 SCAC Baseball STANDINGS (as of Jun 02, 2015) SCAC Overall Team W L T Pct W L T Pct Centenary........... 15 3 0 .833 24 17 0 .585 Trinity............. 13 5 0 .722 40 14 0 .741 Texas Lutheran...... 13 5 0 .722 25 14 0 .641 Southwestern........ 8 10 0 .444 20 22 0 .476 Austin College...... 6 12 0 .333 8 21 0 .276 Dallas.............. 4 14 0 .222 10 26 0 .278 Schreiner........... 4 14 0 .222 7 31 0 .184
2015 SCAC Baseball SCAC Leaders Summary as of Jun 02, 2015 (All games) TEAM BATTING G Avg AB R H 2B 3B HR BB SO SB-ATT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trinity............. 54 .328 1873 404 614 118 13 31 191 249 74-103 Texas Lutheran...... 39 .296 1350 271 400 77 18 13 133 185 45-59 Centenary........... 41 .284 1336 218 380 57 7 8 110 192 43-73 Southwestern........ 42 .280 1410 250 395 69 13 17 123 271 122-170 Austin College...... 29 .258 944 115 244 32 4 3 89 183 23-35 Dallas.............. 36 .242 1151 151 279 38 6 8 110 212 26-39 Schreiner........... 38 .233 1180 129 275 37 12 4 128 276 22-30 Totals.............. 139 .280 9244 1538 2587 428 73 84 884 1568 355-509 TEAM PITCHING G ERA W L Sv IP H R ER BB SO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trinity............. 54 3.02 40 14 12 464.1 390 200 156 162 440 Austin College...... 29 3.49 8 21 1 239.2 288 154 93 72 141 Texas Lutheran...... 39 3.72 25 14 6 334.0 306 170 138 117 244 Centenary........... 41 3.94 24 17 11 347.1 374 208 152 131 279 Southwestern........ 42 5.35 20 22 8 362.0 366 271 215 214 220 Dallas.............. 36 6.52 10 26 4 291.1 399 250 211 134 200 Schreiner........... 38 7.23 7 31 5 307.2 429 318 247 148 162 Totals.............. 139 4.65 134 145 47 2346.1 2552 1571 1212 978 1686 TEAM FIELDING G PO A E Pct DP PB SBA-ATT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Trinity............. 54 1393 605 76 .963 42 23 50-73 Texas Lutheran...... 39 1002 360 55 .961 20 10 47-60 Centenary........... 41 1042 449 74 .953 30 11 28-48 Southwestern........ 42 1086 451 81 .950 38 13 59-83 Dallas.............. 36 874 357 67 .948 25 19 66-80 Schreiner........... 38 923 348 71 .947 24 14 74-92 Austin College...... 29 719 310 69 .937 19 21 32-53 Totals.............. 139 7039 2880 493 .953 198 111 356-489 INDIVIDUAL BATTING Min 2.5 AB/Team game G Avg AB R H RBI 2B 3B HR BB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Butler-TU................. 52 .398 186 35 74 55 13 0 4 11 W. Cates-SU............... 40 .391 169 51 66 36 10 8 5 8 Wolf-TU................... 54 .390 195 45 76 44 19 0 6 35 T. Gennusa-TLU............ 39 .370 162 44 60 28 11 5 1 22 J. Law-TLU................ 37 .364 129 24 47 31 9 2 4 24 Moore-TU.................. 48 .358 201 48 72 29 5 2 0 21 Zapata-CENT............... 41 .358 148 23 53 27 8 0 1 13 T. Takabuki-AC............ 27 .347 98 14 34 11 8 1 1 8 Serkowski-TU.............. 54 .335 191 50 64 30 14 3 0 24 McEachern-TU.............. 52 .328 192 42 63 25 15 0 1 5 Villanueva-UD............. 35 .322 121 21 39 19 4 2 3 15 Ke. Bohrmann-TLU.......... 25 .318 107 23 34 23 9 2 4 5 J. Arguello-AC............ 29 .316 98 11 31 14 5 1 0 10 B. Little-SU.............. 36 .312 141 26 44 23 8 1 1 10 W. Schommer-AC............ 29 .312 93 8 29 8 2 0 0 12 Carson-CENT............... 40 .310 126 23 39 31 10 0 3 14 Schimpf-CENT.............. 41 .309 162 37 50 12 7 0 0 15 M. King-TLU............... 37 .302 126 27 38 19 7 4 1 11 G. Daniel-AC.............. 26 .300 90 12 27 16 8 0 1 8 Singer-TU................. 54 .299 187 44 56 45 9 2 9 24 INDIVIDUAL PITCHING Min 1.0 IP/Team game App ERA W-L Sv IP H R ER BB SO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Moody-AC............... 8 0.97 2-2 0 55.2 49 17 6 7 33 Henry-CENT................ 24 1.59 5-2 9 62.1 39 15 11 19 85 A. Aleman-TLU............. 14 1.98 7-3 1 91.0 56 27 20 23 74 Gray-TU................... 14 2.00 8-0 2 67.2 31 17 15 25 75 Kirk-CENT................. 12 2.09 3-2 0 47.1 46 19 11 11 31 Rape-TU................... 15 2.32 7-2 0 77.2 66 29 20 28 69 Tindall-TU................ 18 2.51 6-1 3 57.1 39 24 16 16 68 Speer-TU.................. 16 2.97 8-2 1 78.2 86 36 26 20 73 McFarland-CENT............ 11 3.38 5-3 0 53.1 55 26 20 12 34 Novak-CENT................ 13 3.50 8-2 0 72.0 76 37 28 33 51 M. Parish-AC.............. 11 3.83 2-5 0 56.1 75 42 24 13 35 T. Harwell-TLU............ 12 3.88 6-4 0 72.0 75 35 31 18 59 W. Preston-SU............. 17 3.91 1-3 0 53.0 47 33 23 22 40 B. Tew-AC................. 9 4.13 2-5 0 52.1 74 37 24 13 33 Walker-TU................. 13 4.13 6-4 0 65.1 68 32 30 18 52 HITS ---- Wolf-TU................... 76 Butler-TU................. 74 Moore-TU.................. 72 W. Cates-SU............... 66 Serkowski-TU.............. 64 RUNS SCORED ----------- W. Cates-SU............... 51 Serkowski-TU.............. 50 Moore-TU.................. 48 Wolf-TU................... 45 2 tied with 44 run(s) scored RUNS BATTED IN -------------- Butler-TU................. 55 Singer-TU................. 45 Wolf-TU................... 44 W. Cates-SU............... 36 3 tied with 31 RBI(s) DOUBLES ------- Wolf-TU................... 19 McEachern-TU.............. 15 Serkowski-TU.............. 14 Butler-TU................. 13 2 tied with 11 double(s) TRIPLES ------- W. Cates-SU............... 8 T. Gennusa-TLU............ 5 Carreon-SCH............... 4 Santos-TU................. 4 M. King-TLU............... 4 HOME RUNS --------- Singer-TU................. 9 Wolf-TU................... 6 A. Laird-SU............... 6 W. Cates-SU............... 5 3 tied with 4 home run(s) TOTAL BASES ----------- Wolf-TU................... 113 W. Cates-SU............... 107 Butler-TU................. 99 Singer-TU................. 96 2 tied with 84 total base(s) STOLEN BASES SB-ATT ---------------------------------- W. Cates-SU............... 31-35 C. Shea-SU................ 22-25 Moore-TU.................. 17-23 Serkowski-TU.............. 15-21 T. Gennusa-TLU............ 13-18 STRIKEOUTS IP SO ------------------------------------- Henry-CENT................ 62.1 85 Gray-TU................... 67.2 75 A. Aleman-TLU............. 91.0 74 Speer-TU.................. 78.2 73 Rape-TU................... 77.2 69
2015 SCAC Baseball Unknown Statistics as of Jun 02, 2015 (All games) TEAM BATTING G Avg OBpct Slug AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB SBA S SF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Trinity............. 54 .328 .406 .454 1873 404 614 118 13 31 351 191 249 74 103 31 27 2. Texas Lutheran...... 39 .296 .369 .409 1350 271 400 77 18 13 240 133 185 45 59 30 23 3. Centenary........... 41 .284 .364 .356 1336 218 380 57 7 8 190 110 192 43 73 34 16 4. Southwestern........ 42 .280 .356 .384 1410 250 395 69 13 17 217 123 271 122 170 13 15 5. Austin College...... 29 .258 .344 .310 944 115 244 32 4 3 92 89 183 23 35 30 4 6. Dallas.............. 36 .242 .320 .307 1151 151 279 38 6 8 125 110 212 26 39 18 6 7. Schreiner........... 38 .233 .315 .295 1180 129 275 37 12 4 105 128 276 22 30 28 11 TEAM PITCHING G ERA BAvg W L IP H R ER BB SO CG HR ShO SV BB/9 SO/9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Trinity............. 54 3.02 .227 40 14 464.1 390 200 156 162 440 6 13 6 12 3.14 8.53 2. Austin College...... 29 3.49 .294 8 21 239.2 288 154 93 72 141 5 9 0 1 2.70 5.29 3. Texas Lutheran...... 39 3.72 .240 25 14 334.0 306 170 138 117 244 6 14 4 6 3.15 6.57 4. Centenary........... 41 3.94 .278 24 17 347.1 374 208 152 131 279 5 13 5 11 3.39 7.23 5. Southwestern........ 42 5.35 .267 20 22 362.0 366 271 215 214 220 1 13 1 8 5.32 5.47 6. Dallas.............. 36 6.52 .328 10 26 291.1 399 250 211 134 200 3 18 1 4 4.14 6.18 7. Schreiner........... 38 7.23 .326 7 31 307.2 429 318 247 148 162 5 22 0 5 4.33 4.74 INDIVIDUAL BATTING Min 2.5 AB/Team game CL G Avg OBpct Slug AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB SBA S SF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Butler-TU................. JR 52 .398 .440 .532 186 35 74 13 0 4 55 11 20 1 2 3 5 2. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 .391 .425 .633 169 51 66 10 8 5 36 8 29 31 35 0 1 3. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 .390 .485 .579 195 45 76 19 0 6 44 35 25 1 3 0 3 4. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 .370 .441 .519 162 44 60 11 5 1 28 22 25 13 18 0 3 5. J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 .364 .465 .558 129 24 47 9 2 4 31 24 21 0 1 1 3 6. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 .358 .437 .403 201 48 72 5 2 0 29 21 16 17 23 0 0 7. Zapata-CENT............... FR 41 .358 .429 .432 148 23 53 8 0 1 27 13 13 2 5 3 2 8. T. Takabuki-AC............ SR 27 .347 .404 .480 98 14 34 8 1 1 11 8 16 0 1 0 1 9. Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 .335 .437 .440 191 50 64 14 3 0 30 24 26 15 21 6 2 10.McEachern-TU.............. JR 52 .328 .393 .422 192 42 63 15 0 1 25 5 14 7 8 6 1 INDIVIDUAL PITCHING Min 1.0 IP/Team game CL G GS ERA BAvg W-L IP H R ER BB SO CG HR ShO SV BB/9 SO/9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. B. Moody-AC............... SO 8 7 0.97 .230 2-2 55.2 49 17 6 7 33 3 1 0 0 1.13 5.34 2. Henry-CENT................ FR 24 2 1.59 .190 5-2 62.1 39 15 11 19 85 1 1 0 9 2.74 12.27 3. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 13 1.98 .171 7-3 91.0 56 27 20 23 74 4 2 2 1 2.27 7.32 4. Gray-TU................... JR 14 9 2.00 .134 8-0 67.2 31 17 15 25 75 0 2 0 2 3.33 9.98 5. Kirk-CENT................. FR 12 6 2.09 .260 3-2 47.1 46 19 11 11 31 1 0 1 0 2.09 5.89 6. Rape-TU................... SR 15 11 2.32 .226 7-2 77.2 66 29 20 28 69 3 3 0 0 3.24 8.00 7. Tindall-TU................ SR 18 7 2.51 .193 6-1 57.1 39 24 16 16 68 1 2 0 3 2.51 10.67 8. Speer-TU.................. SR 16 12 2.97 .285 8-2 78.2 86 36 26 20 73 0 1 0 1 2.29 8.35 9. McFarland-CENT............ SR 11 10 3.38 .263 5-3 53.1 55 26 20 12 34 1 1 0 0 2.03 5.74 10.Novak-CENT................ JR 13 12 3.50 .277 8-2 72.0 76 37 28 33 51 2 1 1 0 4.12 6.38
2015 SCAC Baseball Unknown Statistics as of Jun 02, 2015 (All games) HITS CL G H H/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 76 1.41 2. Butler-TU................. JR 52 74 1.42 3. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 72 1.50 4. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 66 1.65 5. Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 64 1.19 6. McEachern-TU.............. JR 52 63 1.21 7. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 60 1.54 8. Singer-TU................. JR 54 56 1.04 9. Zapata-CENT............... FR 41 53 1.29 10.Schimpf-CENT.............. SO 41 50 1.22 RUNS SCORED CL G R R/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 51 1.28 2. Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 50 .93 3. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 48 1.00 4. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 45 .83 5. Singer-TU................. JR 54 44 .81 T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 44 1.13 7. McEachern-TU.............. JR 52 42 .81 8. Schimpf-CENT.............. SO 41 37 .90 9. Jewett-TU................. JR 47 36 .77 10.Butler-TU................. JR 52 35 .67 HOME RUNS CL G HR HR/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. Singer-TU................. JR 54 9 .17 2. A. Laird-SU............... FR 32 6 .19 Wolf-TU................... JR 54 6 .11 4. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 5 .13 5. Ke. Bohrmann-TLU.......... JR 25 4 .16 Butler-TU................. JR 52 4 .08 J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 4 .11 6 tied with 3 home run(s) DOUBLES CL G 2B 2B/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 19 .35 2. McEachern-TU.............. JR 52 15 .29 3. Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 14 .26 4. Butler-TU................. JR 52 13 .25 5. Hill-SCH.................. FR 36 11 .31 T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 11 .28 7. Carson-CENT............... SR 40 10 .25 K. Bohrmann-TLU........... SR 38 10 .26 W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 10 .25 5 tied with 9 double(s) TRIPLES CL G 3B 3B/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 8 .20 2. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 5 .13 3. Santos-TU................. JR 40 4 .10 Carreon-SCH............... FR 38 4 .11 M. King-TLU............... SR 37 4 .11 6. Pistrui-SCH............... FR 35 3 .09 Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 3 .06 Kidder-SCH................ FR 29 3 .10 7 tied with 2 triple(s) RUNS BATTED IN CL G RBI RBI/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. Butler-TU................. JR 52 55 1.06 2. Singer-TU................. JR 54 45 .83 3. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 44 .81 4. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 36 .90 5. K. Bohrmann-TLU........... SR 38 31 .82 Carson-CENT............... SR 40 31 .78 J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 31 .84 8. Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 30 .56 9. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 29 .60 2 tied with 28 RBI(s) STOLEN BASES CL G SB SB/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 31 .78 2. C. Shea-SU................ FR 36 22 .61 3. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 17 .35 4. Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 15 .28 5. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 13 .33 6. Singer-TU................. JR 54 11 .20 B. Little-SU.............. FR 36 11 .31 Sebastien-CENT............ SR 39 11 .28 3 tied with 9 stolen base(s) TOTAL BASES CL G TB TB/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 113 2.09 2. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 107 2.68 3. Butler-TU................. JR 52 99 1.90 4. Singer-TU................. JR 54 96 1.78 5. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 84 2.15 Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 84 1.56 7. McEachern-TU.............. JR 52 81 1.56 Moore-TU.................. JR 48 81 1.69 9. J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 72 1.95 2 tied with 66 total base(s) WALKS CL G BB BB/G -------------------------------------------------- 1. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 35 .65 2. Singer-TU................. JR 54 24 .44 Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 24 .44 J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 24 .65 5. R. Wehman-SU.............. FR 42 23 .55 6. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 22 .56 7. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 21 .44 Jewett-TU................. JR 47 21 .45 9. Quintanilla-CENT.......... SO 41 20 .49 10.Ver Schuur-SCH............ SO 34 16 .47 ON BASE PERCENTAGE CL G AB H BB HBP SF OB% --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 195 76 35 4 3 .485 2. J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 129 47 24 3 3 .465 3. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 162 60 22 1 3 .441 4. Butler-TU................. JR 52 186 74 11 7 5 .440 5. Moore-TU.................. JR 48 201 72 21 7 0 .437 Serkowski-TU.............. JR 54 191 64 24 12 2 .437 7. Zapata-CENT............... FR 41 148 53 13 7 2 .429 8. G. Daniel-AC.............. SO 26 90 27 8 12 0 .427 9. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 169 66 8 3 1 .425 10.Jewett-TU................. JR 47 154 46 21 11 2 .415 SLUGGING PERCENTAGE CL G AB H 2B 3B HR SLUG% --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. W. Cates-SU............... FR 40 169 66 10 8 5 .633 2. Wolf-TU................... JR 54 195 76 19 0 6 .579 3. J. Law-TLU................ JR 37 129 47 9 2 4 .558 4. Ke. Bohrmann-TLU.......... JR 25 107 34 9 2 4 .551 5. Butler-TU................. JR 52 186 74 13 0 4 .532 6. T. Gennusa-TLU............ SR 39 162 60 11 5 1 .519 7. Singer-TU................. JR 54 187 56 9 2 9 .513 8. A. Laird-SU............... FR 32 113 30 5 1 6 .487 9. T. Takabuki-AC............ SR 27 98 34 8 1 1 .480 10.Villanueva-UD............. 35 121 39 4 2 3 .463
2015 SCAC Baseball Unknown Statistics as of Jun 02, 2015 (All games) WINS CL G W-L --------------------------------------------- 1. Gray-TU................... JR 14 8-0 Novak-CENT................ JR 13 8-2 Speer-TU.................. SR 16 8-2 4. Rape-TU................... SR 15 7-2 A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 7-3 6. Tindall-TU................ SR 18 6-1 T. Harwell-TLU............ SR 12 6-4 Walker-TU................. JR 13 6-4 3 tied with 5 victory(s) INNINGS PITCHED CL G IP IP/G --------------------------------------------------- 1. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 91.0 6.50 2. Speer-TU.................. SR 16 78.2 4.92 3. Rape-TU................... SR 15 77.2 5.18 4. Novak-CENT................ JR 13 72.0 5.54 T. Harwell-TLU............ SR 12 72.0 6.00 6. Ray-SCH................... SO 16 68.0 4.25 7. Gray-TU................... JR 14 67.2 4.83 8. Walker-TU................. JR 13 65.1 5.03 9. R. Hammonds-UD............ 12 65.0 5.42 10.Henry-CENT................ FR 24 62.1 2.60 STRIKEOUTS CL G SO SO/G --------------------------------------------------- 1. Henry-CENT................ FR 24 85 12.27 2. Gray-TU................... JR 14 75 9.98 3. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 74 7.32 4. Speer-TU.................. SR 16 73 8.35 5. Rape-TU................... SR 15 69 8.00 6. Tindall-TU................ SR 18 68 10.67 7. T. Harwell-TLU............ SR 12 59 7.38 8. Walker-TU................. JR 13 52 7.16 9. Novak-CENT................ JR 13 51 6.38 10.R. Hammonds-UD............ 12 49 6.78 APPEARANCES CL App GS W L Sv ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Henry-CENT................ FR 24 2 5 2 9 2. Griffith-TU............... SR 20 2 2 2 2 3. R. Wayland-SU............. FR 18 0 2 0 8 Tindall-TU................ SR 18 7 6 1 3 Turner-TU................. JR 18 1 3 2 4 6. W. Preston-SU............. FR 17 5 1 3 0 Stewart-SCH............... JR 17 10 1 10 4 Bench-CENT................ JR 17 0 1 0 1 C. Morden-UD.............. 17 0 2 0 0 M. Platz-SU............... FR 17 0 1 1 0 SAVES CL G Sv -------------------------------------------- 1. Henry-CENT................ FR 24 9 2. R. Wayland-SU............. FR 18 8 3. Turner-TU................. JR 18 4 T. Keele-UD............... SR 9 4 Stewart-SCH............... JR 17 4 6. Tindall-TU................ SR 18 3 7. D. Drgac-TLU.............. FR 15 2 Gray-TU................... JR 14 2 Griffith-TU............... SR 20 2 9 tied with 1 save(s) GAMES STARTED CL App GS W L Sv ----------------------------------------------------- 1. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 13 7 3 1 M. Cronin-UD.............. 13 13 2 8 0 3. Speer-TU.................. SR 16 12 8 2 1 Ray-SCH................... SO 16 12 2 8 0 Novak-CENT................ JR 13 12 8 2 0 6. T. Harwell-TLU............ SR 12 11 6 4 0 R. Hammonds-UD............ 12 11 2 7 0 Rape-TU................... SR 15 11 7 2 0 4 tied with 10 game(s) started SHUTOUTS CL G ShO -------------------------------------------- 1. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 2 2. Novak-CENT................ JR 13 1 Kirk-CENT................. FR 12 1 Walker-TU................. JR 13 1 D. Martin-UD.............. 6 1 COMPLETE GAMES CL App GS CG W L ----------------------------------------------------- 1. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 13 4 7 3 2. Rape-TU................... SR 15 11 3 7 2 B. Moody-AC............... SO 8 7 3 2 2 Kidder-SCH................ FR 11 10 3 2 5 5. Novak-CENT................ JR 13 12 2 8 2 T. Harwell-TLU............ SR 12 11 2 6 4 Ray-SCH................... SO 16 12 2 2 8 Walker-TU................. JR 13 10 2 6 4 R. Hammonds-UD............ 12 11 2 2 7 8 tied with 1 complete game(s) OPP. BATTING AVERAGE CL G AB H AVG. ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Gray-TU................... JR 14 231 31 .134 2. A. Aleman-TLU............. SR 14 328 56 .171 3. Henry-CENT................ FR 24 205 39 .190 4. Tindall-TU................ SR 18 202 39 .193 5. Rape-TU................... SR 15 292 66 .226 6. B. Moody-AC............... SO 8 213 49 .230 7. W. Preston-SU............. FR 17 195 47 .241 8. Kirk-CENT................. FR 12 177 46 .260 9. D. Drgac-TLU.............. FR 15 169 44 .260 10.Kidder-SCH................ FR 11 241 63 .261 TEAM FIELDING PO A E Pct DP SBA-ATT ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Trinity............. 1393 605 76 .963 42 50-73 2. Texas Lutheran...... 1002 360 55 .961 20 47-60 3. Centenary........... 1042 449 74 .953 30 28-48 4. Southwestern........ 1086 451 81 .950 38 59-83 5. Dallas.............. 874 357 67 .948 25 66-80 6. Schreiner........... 923 348 71 .947 24 74-92 7. Austin College...... 719 310 69 .937 19 32-53
2015 SCAC Baseball Game Highs for SCAC (as of Jun 02, 2015) (All games) TEAM GAME HIGHS Batting At bats: 49 - Texas Lutheran (vs Southwestern, Mar 06, 2015) Runs scored: 25 - Texas Lutheran (vs Centenary, Feb 27, 2015) Hits: 22 - Texas Lutheran (vs Schreiner, Apr 02, 2015) RBIs: 24 - Texas Lutheran (vs Centenary, Feb 27, 2015) Doubles: 8 - Trinity (vs Southwestern, Mar 28, 2015) Triples: 3 - Texas Lutheran (vs Schreiner, Apr 02, 2015) Home runs: 3 - Texas Lutheran (vs Schreiner, Apr 03, 2015) 3 - Trinity (vs Schreiner, Apr 18, 2015) Total bases: 33 - Trinity (vs Hardin-Simmons, Mar 24, 2015) Walks: 12 - Schreiner (vs Trinity, Mar 08, 2015) Strikeouts: 16 - Schreiner (vs Centenary, Mar 22, 2015) 16 - Southwestern (vs Cardinal Stritch, Mar 03, 2015) Sac hits: 4 - Dallas (vs Austin College, Apr 18, 2015) Sac flies: 4 - Texas Lutheran (vs Whittier, Feb 06, 2015) Stolen bases: 9 - Southwestern (vs Concordia (TX), Feb 14, 2015) Caught stealing: 4 - Southwestern (vs Wheaton (IL), Feb 21, 2015) 4 - Southwestern (vs Concordia (TX), Feb 14, 2015) Hit by pitch: 6 - Trinity (vs Centenary, Mar 14, 2015) Runners LOB: 15 - Trinity (vs Southwestern, May 02, 2015) Hit into DP: 3 - (7 games tied) Fielding Putouts: 36 - Texas Lutheran (vs Southwestern, Mar 06, 2015) 36 - Southwestern (vs Concordia (TX), Feb 14, 2015) 36 - Southwestern (vs Texas Lutheran, Mar 06, 2015) Assists: 21 - Centenary (vs Texas Lutheran, Apr 26, 2015) Errors: 8 - Schreiner (vs Whitworth, Feb 20, 2015) Passed balls: 4 - Trinity (vs Southwestern, Mar 28, 2015) 4 - Dallas (vs East Texas Baptist, Mar 06, 2015) DPs turned: 4 - Dallas (vs Castleton, Feb 18, 2015) Pitching Innings pitched: 12.0 - Southwestern (vs Concordia (TX), Feb 14, 2015) 12.0 - Texas Lutheran (vs Southwestern, Mar 06, 2015) 12.0 - Southwestern (vs Texas Lutheran, Mar 06, 2015) Strikeouts: 17 - Trinity (vs Hardin-Simmons, Mar 24, 2015) Wild pitches: 6 - Southwestern (vs Dallas, Mar 22, 2015) Hit batters: 6 - Centenary (vs Trinity, Mar 14, 2015)
2015 SCAC Baseball Game Highs for SCAC (as of Jun 02, 2015) (All games) GAME HIGHS (BOTH TEAMS) Batting At bats: 94 - Texas Lutheran vs Southwestern (Mar 06, 2015) Runs scored: 34 - Centenary vs Texas Lutheran (Feb 27, 2015) Hits: 31 - Dallas vs Austin College (Apr 20, 2015) 31 - Centenary vs Texas Lutheran (Feb 27, 2015) RBIs: 31 - Centenary vs Texas Lutheran (Feb 27, 2015) Doubles: 9 - Trinity vs Southwestern (Mar 28, 2015) Triples: 3 - Texas Lutheran vs Schreiner (Apr 02, 2015) 3 - Southwestern vs Schreiner (Apr 25, 2015) Home runs: 3 - (4 games tied) Total bases: 42 - Trinity vs Southwestern (Mar 28, 2015) Walks: 18 - Centenary vs Texas Lutheran (Feb 27, 2015) Strikeouts: 20 - Centenary vs Southwestern (Apr 19, 2015) Sac hits: 6 - Trinity vs Schreiner (Mar 07, 2015) Sac flies: 4 - Whittier vs Texas Lutheran (Feb 06, 2015) Stolen bases: 12 - Trinity vs Southwestern (Mar 28, 2015) Caught stealing: 5 - Trinity vs Centenary (May 02, 2015) Hit by pitch: 11 - Centenary vs Trinity (Mar 14, 2015) Runners LOB: 26 - Schreiner vs Austin College (Apr 10, 2015) Hit into DP: 4 - Centenary vs Southwestern (Apr 19, 2015) 4 - Austin College vs Southwestern (Apr 03, 2015) 4 - Austin College vs Centenary (Mar 07, 2015) Fielding Putouts: 72 - Texas Lutheran vs Southwestern (Mar 06, 2015) Assists: 36 - Trinity vs Centenary (May 02, 2015) Errors: 9 - Dallas vs Austin College (Apr 18, 2015) 9 - Texas Lutheran vs Southwestern (Mar 06, 2015) Passed balls: 4 - (4 games tied) DPs turned: 4 - Austin College vs Southwestern (Apr 03, 2015) 4 - Centenary vs Southwestern (Apr 19, 2015) 4 - Austin College vs Centenary (Mar 07, 2015) Pitching Innings pitched: 24.0 - Texas Lutheran vs Southwestern (Mar 06, 2015) Strikeouts: 20 - Centenary vs Southwestern (Apr 19, 2015) Hits allowed: 2 - Sul Ross State vs Dallas (Jan 31, 2015) Wild pitches: 10 - Southwestern vs Dallas (Mar 22, 2015) Hit batters: 11 - Centenary vs Trinity (Mar 14, 2015)
2015 SCAC Baseball Game Highs for SCAC (as of Jun 02, 2015) (All games) INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS Batting At bats: 7 - Ke. Bohrmann, Texas Lutheran (vs Southwestern, Mar 06, 2015) Runs scored: 5 - R. Schaefer, Texas Lutheran (vs Centenary, Feb 27, 2015) Hits: 5 - Ke. Bohrmann, Texas Lutheran (vs Schreiner, Apr 02, 2015) RBIs: 5 - (6 players tied) Doubles: 3 - McEachern, Trinity (vs Mary Hardin-Baylor, Mar 31, 2015) 3 - T. Gennusa, Texas Lutheran (vs DeSales, Mar 04, 2015) Triples: 2 - W. Cates, Southwestern (vs Schreiner, Apr 25, 2015) Home runs: 2 - (4 players tied) Total bases: 9 - (4 players tied) Walks: 3 - (16 players tied) Strikeouts: 4 - (4 players tied) Sac hits: 2 - (10 players tied) Sac flies: 2 - Singer, Trinity (vs Southwestern, Mar 28, 2015) 2 - Z. Jacobs, Texas Lutheran (vs Mary Hardin-Baylor, Apr 07, 2015) Stolen bases: 5 - C. Shea, Southwestern (vs Schreiner, Apr 25, 2015) Caught stealing: 2 - (4 players tied) Hit by pitch: 3 - Brown, Centenary (vs Trinity, Mar 14, 2015) 3 - Butler, Trinity (vs Centenary, Mar 14, 2015) 3 - Serkowski, Trinity (vs Mary Hardin-Baylor, Apr 28, 2015) Runners LOB: 7 - McEachern, Trinity (vs Cardinal Stritch, Mar 01, 2015) Fielding Putouts: 21 - Lavergne, Centenary (vs Texas Lutheran, Apr 26, 2015) Assists: 9 - Z. Jacobs, Texas Lutheran (vs LeTourneau, Feb 14, 2015) 9 - H. Berry, Dallas (vs Texas Lutheran, Mar 28, 2015) Errors: 4 - Rowan, Schreiner (vs Whitworth, Feb 20, 2015) Passed balls: 4 - Villanueva, Dallas (vs East Texas Baptist, Mar 06, 2015) 4 - Attyah, Trinity (vs Southwestern, Mar 28, 2015) Pitching Innings pitched: 9.0 - (14 players tied) Strikeouts: 15 - T. Harwell, Texas Lutheran (vs Southwestern, Mar 07, 2015) Wild pitches: 4 - M. Platz, Southwestern (vs Dallas, Mar 22, 2015) Hit batters: 5 - A. Aleman, Texas Lutheran (vs Centenary, Apr 25, 2015)
2015 SCAC Baseball Game Results for SCAC (as of Jun 02, 2015) (All games) Date Location Game result Pitchers of record Attend Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 31, 2015 Irving, Texas Dallas 3, Sul Ross State 0 W-D. Martin, L-J. Vajgert 179 1:26 Jan 31, 2015 Irving, Texas Sul Ross State 3, Dallas 0 W-Eli Gallego, L-R. Hammonds 220 2:10 Feb 06, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Centenary 14, Texas-Tyler 6 W-Novak, L-Suggs 110 2:50 Feb 06, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Schreiner 3, Sul Ross State 1 W-Ray, L-J. Vajgert 150 2:10 Feb 06, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 9, Texas-Tyler 7 W-Speer, L-Paxton 238 2:25 Feb 06, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 12, Whittier 1 W-A. Aleman, L-Webster 298 3:17 Feb 06, 2015 San Antonio, Texas George Fox 7, Centenary 6 W-Hirko, L-Henry 55 3:35 Feb 07, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 7, George Fox 5 W-Walker, L-Moreland 112 3:00 Feb 07, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Schreiner 5, Sul Ross State 2 W-Kidder, L-Eli Gallego 145 2:05 Feb 07, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 10, Whittier 0 W-T. Harwell, L-Komesu 368 2:47 Feb 07, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Sul Ross State 17, Schreiner 6 W-Ryan Todd, L-Hammack 175 3:00 Feb 07, 2015 Seguin, Texas Concordia (TX) 4, Centenary 3 W-Smith, L-Francis 309 3:07 Feb 07, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 11, Whittier 1 W-Griffith, L-Ushio 121 3:00 Feb 07, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 8, Texas-Tyler 6 W-Malinovsky, L-Adams 408 2:58 Feb 10, 2015 Brownwood, Texas Howard Payne 15, Southwestern 13 W-Brody, L-J. Koch 175 3:35 Feb 13, 2015 Frisco, Texas Dallas 7, Hardin-Simmons 6 W-R. Hammonds, L-England 110 2:25 Feb 13, 2015 Tyler, Texas Texas Lutheran 3, Louisiana College 1 W-A. Aleman, L-Lamers 213 2:15 Feb 13, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 7, Centenary 5 W-Lefler, L-Debevec 217 3:20 Feb 13, 2015 Longview, Texas Trinity 9, LeTourneau 5 W-Speer, L-Whitley 172 2:53 Feb 13, 2015 Sherman, Texas Austin College 9, Arlington Baptist 8 W-B. Tew, L-E. Garcia 162 2:47 Feb 13, 2015 Jackson, Miss. Birmingham-Southern 10, Schreiner 1 W-Stevens, L-Garcia 50 3:00 Feb 13, 2015 Austin, Texas Southwestern 7, Concordia (TX) 5 W-R. Wayland, L-Traxler 362 3:08 Feb 13, 2015 Tyler, Texas Texas-Tyler 9, Texas Lutheran 4 W-Paxton, L-T. Harwell 402 2:50 Feb 14, 2015 Jackson, Miss. Ozarks (AR) 2, Schreiner 1 (10) W-Alex Rodrigu, L-Stewart 50 2:32 Feb 14, 2015 Irving, Texas Dallas 11, Whitman 2 W-M. Cronin, L-G. Atkinson - 3:00 Feb 14, 2015 Longview, Texas Texas Lutheran 7, LeTourneau 3 W-D. Drgac, L-Jenkins 218 Feb 14, 2015 Sherman, Texas Austin College 6, Arlington Baptist 5 W-M. Korn, L-J. Eatherly 124 2:50 Feb 14, 2015 Tyler, Texas Louisiana College 7, Trinity 6 W-Davis, L-Walker 127 2:40 Feb 14, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 5, Centenary 4 (12) W-Tampke, L-Arcement - 3:47 Feb 14, 2015 Austin, Texas Concordia (TX) 11, Southwestern 6 W-Cox, L-Smith - 2:16 Feb 14, 2015 Austin, Texas Southwestern 7, Concordia (TX) 5 (12) W-N. Clark, L-Mathews 391 4:12 Feb 14, 2015 Irving, Texas Whitman 6, Dallas 4 W-R. Maislin, L-B. Palmer 168 2:30 Feb 14, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 10, Centenary 7 W-Russo, L-Francis 267 2:52 Feb 14, 2015 Sherman, Texas Arlington Baptist 6, Austin College 4 W-J. Darden, L-M. Korn 142 2:35 Feb 14, 2015 Jackson, Miss. Millsaps 16, Schreiner 3 W-Keith Shumak, L-Ray 250 815 Feb 14, 2015 Tyler, Texas Texas-Tyler 8, Texas Lutheran 6 W-Stallings, L-Malinovsky 413 2:40 Feb 15, 2015 Tyler, Texas Texas-Tyler 4, Trinity 2 W-Adams, L-Brett Meyer 312 2:20 Feb 15, 2015 Frisco, Texas Dallas 12, Carleton 5 W-T. Keele, L-Curtis 77 3:05 Feb 17, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 8, Mary Hardin-Baylor 7 W-L. Domino, L-Johnson 189 3:01 Feb 18, 2015 Irving, Texas Castleton 17, Dallas 2 W-Devin Hayes, L-M. Cronin 108 3:01 Feb 20, 2015 Jackson, Miss. Southwestern 5, Fontbonne 2 W-J. Rice, L-Carter, T 26 2:28 Feb 20, 2015 Sherman, Texas Castleton 6, Austin College 2 W-Jurkiewicz, L-B. Tew 73 2:15 Feb 20, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Whitworth 18, Schreiner 11 W-Ansett, L-Ray 125 2:55 Feb 20, 2015 Abilene, Texas Hardin-Simmons 4, Texas Lutheran 2 W-England, L-A. Aleman 327 2:31 Feb 21, 2015 Jackson, Miss. Wheaton (IL) 11, Southwestern 6 W-Arevalo, J., L-C. Haag 85 3:00 Feb 21, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Whitworth 1, Schreiner 0 W-Scheibe, L-Kidder 155 1:30 Feb 21, 2015 Abilene, Texas Texas Lutheran 5, Hardin-Simmons 2 W-D. Drgac, L-Hallmark 118 1:54 Feb 21, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 6, Dallas 5 W-Turner, L-T. Keele 122 2:45 Feb 21, 2015 Jackson, Miss. Southwestern 9, Washington (MO) 8 W-N. Clark, L-Quaranta 105 3:15 Feb 21, 2015 Abilene, Texas Hardin-Simmons 3, Texas Lutheran 2 (10) W-Spears, L-H. Roberts 156 2:22 Feb 21, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Whitworth 14, Schreiner 5 W-Orchard, L-Hammack 160 2:55 Feb 21, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 7, Dallas 3 W-Rape, L-R. Hammonds 119 2:20 Feb 22, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Whitworth 14, Schreiner 8 W-Scourey, L-Stanford 95 2:45 Feb 22, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 12, Dallas 0 W-Walker, L-Griesbauer 101 3:00 Feb 27, 2015 Seguin, Texas Centenary 7, Texas Lutheran 3 W-Novak, L-A. Aleman 140 2:03 Feb 27, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 25, Centenary 9 W-A. Milone, L-Debevec 125 3:14 Mar 01, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 9, Cardinal Stritch 2 W-Gray, L-DeRosa 25 2:50 Mar 03, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Cardinal Stritch 5, Southwestern 2 W-Erickson, L-M. Litz 67 2:47 Mar 03, 2015 San Antonio, Texas DeSales 8, Schreiner 7 W-E. Elmer, L-Ray 88 3:05 Mar 04, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Schreiner 4, Cardinal Stritch 1 W-Stewart, L-Crawford 100 140 Mar 04, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 11, DeSales 4 W-L. Baylor, L-E. Elmer 122 2:40 Mar 05, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 4, DeSales 3 W-Speer, L-C. Polaski 88 2:40 Mar 06, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Texas Lutheran 12, Southwestern 7 (12) W-D. Cantu, L-W. Preston 215 3:20 Mar 06, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 11, Dallas 5 W-Dukes, L-M. Cronin 131 3:23 Mar 07, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 2, Dallas 1 W-Tampke, L-R. Hammonds - 1:53 Mar 07, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Trinity 4, Schreiner 1 W-Rape, L-Kidder 135 1:45 Mar 07, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 5, Texas Lutheran 3 W-C. Haag, L-D. Drgac 225 2:09 Mar 07, 2015 Centenary, La. Centenary 15, Austin College 2 W-Novak, L-C. Almaguer 123 2:30 Mar 07, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 15, Dallas 5 W-Wilkerson, L-B. Palmer 237 2:23 Mar 07, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Trinity 5, Schreiner 3 W-Griffith, L-Brown 155 2:35 Mar 07, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Texas Lutheran 7, Southwestern 1 W-T. Harwell, L-N. Clark 225 2:40 Mar 07, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 2, Austin College 0 W-McFarland, L-M. Parish 123 2:15 Mar 08, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Trinity 10, Schreiner 2 W-Gray, L-Stewart 100 2:55 Mar 10, 2015 Brownwood, Texas Howard Payne 6, Dallas 2 W-Anders, L-A. Arnold 115 1:50 Mar 10, 2015 Brownwood, Texas Howard Payne 8, Dallas 4 W-Colburn, L-D. Martin 120 2:30 Mar 11, 2015 Belton, Texas Mary Hardin-Baylor 12, Southwestern 4 W-Frazier, L-C. Haag 184 3:17
2015 SCAC Baseball Game Results for SCAC (as of Jun 02, 2015) (All games) Date Location Game result Pitchers of record Attend Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mar 11, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Our Lady of the Lake 7, Trinity 4 W-C.Smith, L-Turner 96 3:10 *Mar 13, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 3, Austin College 2 W-A. Aleman, L-B. Tew 239 2:32 *Mar 13, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 10, Centenary 4 W-Speer, L-Novak 122 3:15 *Mar 14, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Schreiner 7, Dallas 4 W-Kidder, L-M. Cronin 200 3:05 *Mar 14, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 8, Centenary 3 W-Walker, L-McFarland 133 2:35 *Mar 14, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 7, Austin College 3 W-T. Harwell, L-M. Parish 247 2:19 *Mar 14, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Dallas 8, Schreiner 6 W-C. Morden, L-Hammack 200 2;57 *Mar 14, 2015 Seguin, Texas Austin College 9, Texas Lutheran 1 W-B. Moody, L-H. Roberts 256 2:30 *Mar 14, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Centenary 6, Trinity 5 W-Posey, L-Griffith 133 3:15 *Mar 15, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Dallas 5, Schreiner 3 W-W. Marshall, L-Stewart 195 2:40 Mar 15, 2015 Tucson, Ariz. Southwestern 13, Cal Lutheran 0 W-J. Rice, L-M. Pautsch 66 3:00 Mar 16, 2015 Tucson, Ariz. Southwestern 13, St. Thomas (MN) 7 W-J. Kendra, L-Ty Vincent 66 Mar 17, 2015 Tucson, Ariz. Wesleyan 11, Southwestern 5 W-S. Elias, L-G. Vaught 50 2:00 Mar 17, 2015 Tucson, Ariz. Southwestern 6, Wesleyan 3 W-N. Clark, L-A. Young 50 2:00 Mar 17, 2015 Tyler, Texas Texas-Tyler 6, Centenary 1 W-Imig, L-Kirk 142 2:40 *Mar 20, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 3, Schreiner 2 W-Novak, L-Kidder 0 2:25 *Mar 20, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 10, Schreiner 3 W-McFarland, L-Ray 125 2:36 *Mar 21, 2015 Irving, Texas Southwestern 8, Dallas 1 W-J. Kendra, L-M. Cronin - 2:34 Mar 21, 2015 Shawnee, Okla. Dallas Christian 4, Austin College 2 W-K. Spurgen, L-B. Tew 56 2 hr Mar 21, 2015 Shawnee, Okla. Oklahoma Baptist 5, Austin College 4 W-Gomez, L-M. Korn 145 2 hr *Mar 21, 2015 Irving, Texas Southwestern 11, Dallas 5 W-C. Buckley, L-R. Hammonds 182 3:00 *Mar 22, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 8, Schreiner 1 W-Henry, L-Stewart 133 2:17 *Mar 22, 2015 Irving, Texas Southwestern 7, Dallas 5 W-J. Koch, L-D. Martin 131 3:02 *Mar 22, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 6, Trinity 0 W-A. Aleman, L-Rape 298 2:15 *Mar 22, 2015 Seguin, Texas Trinity 12, Texas Lutheran 2 W-Walker, L-T. Harwell - 2:26 *Mar 23, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 10, Trinity 2 W-T. Janota, L-Speer 287 3:01 Mar 24, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 19, Hardin-Simmons 4 W-Gray, L-Rhodes 78 3:15 Mar 24, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Mary Hardin-Baylor 8, Southwestern 7 W-Franz, L-C. Buckley 86 2:37 Mar 24, 2015 Shreveport, La. LSU-Shreveport 16, Centenary 0 W-Wilson, L-Arcement 134 3:10 *Mar 27, 2015 Sherman, Texas Centenary 6, Austin College 5 (10) W-Henry, L-J. Lewis 112 9:14 *Mar 27, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 4, Trinity 3 W-R. Wayland, L-Rape 251 2:41 *Mar 28, 2015 Irving, Texas Texas Lutheran 4, Dallas 0 W-A. Aleman, L-M. Cronin - 2:06 *Mar 28, 2015 Sherman, Texas Centenary 4, Austin College 1 W-McFarland, L-B. Tew 132 2:26 *Mar 28, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 12, Trinity 11 W-M. Platz, L-Tindall 176 3:20 Mar 28, 2015 Abilene, Texas McMurry 15, Schreiner 1 W-Bates, L-Kidder 124 1:55 *Mar 28, 2015 Irving, Texas Texas Lutheran 9, Dallas 5 W-T. Harwell, L-R. Hammonds 201 3:10 *Mar 28, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Trinity 13, Southwestern 4 W-Speer, L-J. Koch 156 2:41 *Mar 28, 2015 Sherman, Texas Centenary 7, Austin College 5 W-Novak, L-M. Parish 124 3:10 Mar 28, 2015 Abilene, Texas McMurry 6, Schreiner 2 W-Labbie, L-Ray 217 2:13 Mar 29, 2015 Abilene, Texas McMurry 6, Schreiner 3 W-Zier, L-Stewart 228 2:03 *Mar 29, 2015 Irving, Texas Texas Lutheran 10, Dallas 1 W-D. Cantu, L-D. Martin 163 2:45 Mar 30, 2015 Hillsboro, Texas East Texas Baptist 5, Southwestern 4 (11) W-Wadle, L-E. Honeycutt 43 3:20 Mar 31, 2015 Sherman, Texas Dallas Christian 3, Austin College 1 W-Westland, L-T. DeBord 57 1:40 Mar 31, 2015 Sherman, Texas Dallas Christian 6, Austin College 5 W-C. Wallace, L-J. Lewis 68 2:12 Mar 31, 2015 Belton, Texas Trinity 12, Mary Hardin-Baylor 6 W-Tindall, L-Hayman 200 2:45 Mar 31, 2015 Seguin, Texas Our Lady of the Lake 10, Texas Lutheran 2 W-J.Seifert, L-L. Domino 207 3:05 Apr 01, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 11, Concordia (TX) 3 W-Gray, L-Pope 78 10:1 *Apr 02, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Texas Lutheran 16, Schreiner 1 W-A. Aleman, L-Kidder 125 2:25 *Apr 03, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Texas Lutheran 15, Schreiner 5 W-T. Harwell, L-Ray 200 2:25 *Apr 03, 2015 Kerrille, Texas Texas Lutheran 14, Schreiner 0 W-D. Cantu, L-Stewart 200 2:20 *Apr 03, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 3, Dallas 2 W-Novak, L-M. Cronin 117 4:02 *Apr 03, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 4, Austin College 3 W-J. Kendra, L-B. Moody 156 2:09 *Apr 03, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 1, Dallas 0 W-McFarland, L-R. Hammonds 117 2:17 Apr 03, 2015 Austin, Texas Concordia (TX) 8, Trinity 3 W-Cox, L-Speer 217 2:34 *Apr 04, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Austin College 5, Southwestern 2 W-M. Parish, L-N. Clark 113 2:29 *Apr 04, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 8, Dallas 4 W-Bench, L-B. Donley 127 3:00 *Apr 04, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Austin College 9, Southwestern 6 W-M. Korn, L-A. Smith 132 2:56 Apr 07, 2015 Irving, Texas Texas-Dallas 14, Dallas 9 W-DerMargosian, L-Griesbauer 83 3:00 Apr 07, 2015 Marshall, Texas East Texas Baptist 10, Austin College 3 W-Lefler, L-L. Lozano 84 2:17 Apr 07, 2015 Longivew, Texas Centenary 10, LeTourneau 8 W-Kirk, L-Baker 83 2:58 Apr 07, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 12, Hardin-Simmons 10 W-G. Vaught, L-Richardson 112 3:30 Apr 07, 2015 Belton, Texas Texas Lutheran 13, Mary Hardin-Baylor 11 W-D. Drgac, L-Frazier 200 3:22 Apr 10, 2015 Pineville, La. Louisiana College 8, Centenary 7 W-Mativi, L-Novak 501 2:08 *Apr 10, 2015 Sherman, Texas Schreiner 5, Austin College 3 W-Barnett, L-B. Williams 106 2:40 *Apr 10, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 6, Southwestern 3 W-A. Aleman, L-J. Koch 298 2:04 Apr 10, 2015 Pineville, La. Centenary 11, Louisiana College 3 W-McFarland, L-Lamers 523 2:35 *Apr 10, 2015 Sherman, Texas Austin College 5, Schreiner 4 W-M. Parish, L-Rowan 138 2:13 *Apr 10, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 8, Southwestern 4 W-T. Harwell, L-J. Kendra 308 3:04 *Apr 11, 2015 Irving, Texas Trinity 11, Dallas 1 W-Tindall, L-M. Cronin 235 2:09 *Apr 11, 2015 Sherman, Texas Austin College 10, Schreiner 1 W-B. Tew, L-Stewart 128 1:57 Apr 11, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 5, Louisiana College 1 W-Kirk, L-Ducote 122 1:54 *Apr 11, 2015 Irving, Texas Trinity 10, Dallas 0 W-Gray, L-R. Hammonds 235 2:07 Apr 11, 2015 Shreveport, La. Louisiana College 5, Centenary 3 W-Davis, L-Francis 123 2:26 *Apr 12, 2015 Irving, Texas Trinity 5, Dallas 0 W-Rape, L-M. Cronin 100 2:17 Apr 14, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 6, Howard Payne 5 W-G. Vaught, L-Garrett 146 2:45 Apr 14, 2015 Shreveport, La. LSU-Shreveport 6, Centenary 1 W-Dupuis, L-Posey 73 2:36
2015 SCAC Baseball Game Results for SCAC (as of Jun 02, 2015) (All games) Date Location Game result Pitchers of record Attend Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr 14, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Our Lady of the Lake 2, Trinity 1 W-C.Becera, L-Walker 97 2:11 Apr 15, 2015 Hobbs, N.M. Southwest (NM) 15, Schreiner 2 W-Rangel, L-Ray 65 1:55 Apr 15, 2015 Hobbs, N.M. Southwest (NM) 6, Schreiner 3 W-Pacheco, L-Stewart 65 1:50 *Apr 15, 2015 Seguin, Texas Texas Lutheran 10, Southwestern 4 W-L. Baylor, L-M. Platz 297 2:58 *Apr 18, 2015 Sherman, Texas Austin College 2, Dallas 1 W-B. Moody, L-Villanueva 134 2 hr *Apr 18, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 12, Schreiner 2 W-Tindall, L-Ray 134 2:20 *Apr 18, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Centenary 6, Southwestern 3 W-Novak, L-J. Koch 202 3:02 *Apr 18, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 6, Schreiner 3 W-Gray, L-Barnett 154 2:00 *Apr 18, 2015 Sherman, Texas Dallas 9, Austin College 4 W-R. Hammonds, L-M. Parish 149 2:40 *Apr 19, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Southwestern 6, Centenary 2 W-J. Kendra, L-McFarland 212 2:45 *Apr 19, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 9, Schreiner 0 W-Rape, L-Stewart 124 2:25 *Apr 19, 2015 Georgetown, Texas Centenary 2, Southwestern 1 W-Henry, L-W. Preston 223 2:30 *Apr 20, 2015 Sherman, Texas Dallas 10, Austin College 9 W-T. Keele, L-T. DeBord 157 3:40 Apr 21, 2015 Shreveport, La. Texas-Tyler 8, Centenary 3 W-Imig, L-Kirk 157 2:33 Apr 21, 2015 Abilene, Texas McMurry 12, Trinity 4 W-Ragsdale, L-Walker 183 2:40 Apr 21, 2015 Abilene, Texas Southwestern 9, Hardin-Simmons 3 W-B. Marcom, L-Richardson 107 2:24 *Apr 24, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Schreiner 4, Southwestern 1 W-Ray, L-J. Koch 155 2:05 *Apr 25, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 5, Texas Lutheran 4 W-Henry, L-L. Baylor 215 2:45 *Apr 25, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Schreiner 10, Southwestern 7 W-Rowan, L-N. Clark 155 3:05 Apr 25, 2015 Irving, Texas Dallas 7, Arlington Baptist 6 W-M. Cronin, L-A. Valdez - 2:06 *Apr 25, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Southwestern 11, Schreiner 1 W-W. Preston, L-Stewart 185 2:10 *Apr 25, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 2, Texas Lutheran 0 W-Tromba, L-T. Harwell 217 2:12 Apr 25, 2015 Irving, Texas Dallas 10, Arlington Baptist 6 W-C. Morden, L-P. Kleinert 176 2:07 *Apr 25, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 1, Austin College 0 W-Tindall, L-B. Moody 211 2:05 *Apr 25, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 9, Austin College 1 W-Rape, L-M. Parish 211 2:25 *Apr 26, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 8, Texas Lutheran 0 W-Kirk, L-D. Cantu 213 2:19 *Apr 26, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 4, Austin College 1 W-Speer, L-B. Tew 188 2:05 Apr 28, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Trinity 17, Mary Hardin-Baylor 3 W-Walker, L-Bielamowicz 48 3:10 May 01, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 10, Southwestern 0 W-Novak, L-W. Preston 247 1:45 May 01, 2015 Shreveport, La. Trinity 3, Texas Lutheran 1 W-Gray, L-A. Aleman 201 2:35 May 01, 2015 Shreveport, La. Southwestern 3, Texas Lutheran 2 W-J. Kendra, L-T. Harwell 207 2:50 May 02, 2015 Shreveport, La. Centenary 3, Trinity 2 (10) W-Henry, L-Griffith 257 3:00 May 02, 2015 Shreveport, La. Trinity 7, Southwestern 2 W-Rape, L-J. Rice 177 3:10 May 03, 2015 Shreveport, La. Trinity 6, Centenary 4 W-Turner, L-Henry 245 2:57 May 03, 2015 Shreveport, L.a Trinity 10, Centenary 0 W-Walker, L-McFarland 245 2:26 May 13, 2015 Tyler, Texas Trinity 5, Linfield 1 W-Gray, L-Haddeland 205 2:35 May 15, 2015 Tyler, Texas Trinity 5, Millsaps 3 W-Speer, L-Keith Shumak 322 2:50 May 15, 2015 Tyler, Texas Trinity 7, La Verne 4 W-Turner, L-N. Byrd 288 2:50 May 16, 2015 Tyler, Texas Trinity 7, Linfield 3 W-Tindall, L-Haddeland 276 2:23 May 22, 2015 Appleton, Wis. Emory 9, Trinity 7 W-Weeg, L-Turner 1554 2:57 May 23, 2015 Appleton, Wis. Trinity 9, Salisbury 1 W-Tindall, L-Fein 2029 2:09 May 25, 2015 Appleton, Wis. Trinity 10, Emory 1 W-Speer, L-Hansen 1543 2:23 May 25, 2015 Appleton, Wis. Trinity 16, UW-La Crosse 6 W-Rape, L-Kenkel 1843 3:24 May 26, 2015 Appleton, Wis. UW-La Crosse 10, Trinity 7 W-Cejka, L-Walker 1448 3:09 () extra inning game